We are always looking for NEW MEMBERS to join the group
1985, when the group was first formed, we have successfully purchased two
English Electric locomotives.
These locomotives
are complex and expensive pieces of machinery to maintain and operate and
without the help and support of our members the organisation would not be able
to function in the way that it does today.
To keep
these locomotives in full working order requires a constant source of income,
with a considerable part of this being generated by membership subscriptions
and donations to the group.
purchased the locomotives, the Class 40 Appeal Supporting Club was set up to
provide financial support for the future wellbeing of the locomotives under the
groups care.
As a
fully paid up member of the group, you will receive a Membership card, together
with a copy of the group�s newsletter entitled
POWER �which keeps you right up to date with the group�s activities.
You will also be entitled to:-
* Half price travel on the Midland
Railway-Butterley (excluding diesel galas)��
* Opportunity to join our Working Parties.�� * Reduced prices on sales items.�� * Opportunity for locomotive CAB RIDES.
Membership Rates.��
Adult &
Child.......................................................... �15:00 .......................... �20:00
Joint Membership (
Husband & Wife )................�
�17:00 ..........................
Membership............................................... �20:00 .......................... �25:00
Membership................................................... �400:00 ........................ �500:00
is available from;-
Class 40 Appeal.
Please make all cheques and postal orders payable to :- CLASS 40 APPEAL.
A Membership application form can be obtained if you CLICK HERE
Please print off this form and send it with your remittance to the above address.