Membership Application
Full Name ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
Address ............................................................................................................................................................................................
Postcode ............................................................................ Date ................................................................................................
Telephone Number ..............................................................................................................
Email Address ....................................................................................................................
I wish to join / renew my membership in the Class 40 Appeal for a period of one year and agree to abide by the Constitution laid down by the group.
If you are under 16 years of age then your parent or guardian must sign on your behalf and confirm your age (. / . / .. )
Current membership rates:-
Adult / Junior: £15:00 ( Overseas £20:00 )
Joint: £17:00 ( Overseas £22:00 )
Family: £20:00 ( Overseas £25:00 )
Life: 400:00 ( Overseas £500:00 )
Optional Donation. The membership subscription fee is set to cover the basic cost of running the group.
Locomotive maintenance, restoration and operation can be very expensive. We rely on donations, large and small from our members to continue our activities. Every little helps.
I enclose a donation of (please tick) £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 Other £ ..
Please make all Cheque or postal orders payable to Class 40 Appeal. Your membership card together with a copy of the latest Full Power newsletter will be sent to you within 28 days. The completed form together with your remittance and a stamped addressed envelope, should be sent to the Class 40 Appeal. 65 Darby Road, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 OPN.
Signature:- Date:- ..