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for Efficient Mass Transit

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Citizens for Efficient Mass Transit
is an organization devoted to the advocacy of light rail. . .

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Light rail is the the superior local transit option for the Charlotte
area!  It is more attractive to riders, increases economic development,
encourages smart and orderly growth, and is more friendly to the environment as an integral component of mass transit for the Charlotte region!

Here is what we hope to accomplish:

  • Demonstrate how light rail is affordable--how other cities have made light rail happen.
  • Explain why only a system that combines the best features of both light rail and bus will provide the modern and efficient transit system.
  • Save the taxpayers the burden of support for a busway network which even if it should succeed in attracting riders will fail because of its high operating and maintenance costs.
  • Stop the use of rail corridors to build busways
  Light Rail transit brings benefits in three areas:


* Wins riders away from their cars
* Good ride quality
* Fast
* Efficient
* Low operating cost

The Environment
* Clean
* Quiet
* Saves Energy
* Reduces congestion
* More efficient use of land

* Stimulates investment and
* Channels growth
* Protects residential
* Less need for highway

Need a speaker?
Please contact Bob Bischoff at 704-366-7835 to arrange for a CEMT speaker to appear at your next meeting or event! Or drop us a line at:
Citizens for Efficient Mass Transit
PO Box 12297
Charlotte NC 28220

Join us in our quest for a modern, efficient transit system
for the Charlotte metro area that will attract riders! See how you
can be a member CEMT!

Bright Ideas Web Design

Last edited 04/19/07