Mr. Diridon said the California HSR would
be the first and longest HSR to be constructed in America. He
mentioned that a one-year delay in construction would cost $200 million
a month, or $2 billion a year lost if inflation is calculated at 5%.
We must have feeder distribution systems for HSR.
He referred to a meeting he had attended with President Obama, V.P.
Biden, and Sec. of Transportation in which President Obama said, "The
French have HSR with no fatalaties, Spain has HSR, Japan has had
HSR since 1964 and we don't! We're going to have one!"
Mr. D. said the California Governor is planning a HSR ground breaking
next year. (Location not mentioned)
We have 43,000 highway deaths a year in the US, HSR in France and Spain
killed zero.
He spoke to the following slides: