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California Corridors & Regional Rail = WIlliam D. Bronte

RailPAC Annual Meeting, NARP Region XII Meeting


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California Corridors & Regional Rail

William D. Bronte, Chief, Caltrans Division of Rail

IMG_4003.jpgMr. Bronte, at the last TRAC Conference did not use power point slides.  Perhaps because people can't keep up with all his good statistics, he had a nice power point presentation this time.

California's passenger rail program grows again in 2008.
Why so successful?
Uncertain Future.
State Capital Inventments.

Federal Funding
Pres. Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The Public Transportation Account is where CA gets its funds for Rail.  That Account is a Diesel Fuel Tax.

The Northeast Corridor does not support, per-passenger, to Amtrak what California contributes.  Fourteen states support Amtrak through taxpayer approved support.

California has an $8 billion deficit now, without upcoming propositions passage, it will be a deficit of $14 billion.

California has $1.5 Billion "Ready to Go" projects:  LOSSAN, Capital Corridor, San Joaquin Corridor, plus $1 Billion a year for 5 years after that.

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