Quick progress
was being made from former businesses of the Wheatcraft Motor Company,
and a trucking company.
The bar,
restrooms, and kitchen area behind the stone wall.
The signs had
been installed. The type of Private Parties that this new center
could accommodate are: Reunions, Conventions, Wedding Receptions,
Banquets, and Dances. Their contact number is 660.332.4669.
Their website is www.SilverRailsEventCenter.com.
With new signs
affixed to the Events Center and Awnings installed, witnesses to the
Ribbon Cutting began to arrive.
Another example
of this being a national audience. Dutch, tan coat, and his wife
to the right, are from Pennsylvania.
In the event's
center is a metal sculputre in the shape of Missouri.
A close up of the LaPlata area. |