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Chapter Dinner 1998

Cape Fear Railroaders CFRRS/ NRHS Chapter 133 National Railway Historical Society

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Dinner 1998

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                    Here are our 1998 dinner photos taken by our 1998 Vice President Mr. Dick Johnson

Dinner Photo # 1             Dinner Photo # 3            Dinner Photo # 2

          On January 23, 1998 we held our annual Chapter Dinner, Mr. Tanner the Yard Master from CSX was our guest speaker.  He show us two videos and talked and answered our questions for over an hour. Some of the highlights were about the future of Milan Yard, CSX’s take over of CONRAIL, and the adding of more trains though Fayetteville. It was a fun time had by all.

Dinner Photo # 5             Dinner Photo # 4             Dinner Photo # 6

trakline.gif (399 bytes)

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Copyright © 1999 Cape Fear Railroaders, National Railway Historical Society
Last modified: June 13, 1999