Article I Name, Purpose and Goals
Section 1. Name
A. The organization shall be known as the Badgerland S Gaugers.
B. The organization shall be recognized and chartered by the State of Wisconsin as a non-profit organization,
Section 2. Purpose
A. Members of the Badgerland S Gangers shall meet as often as possible to share interests in all facets of S Gauge including: American Flyer, S Scale, Hi-Rail, S narrow gauge etc.
B. Promotion of S Gauge shall be pursued by all members.
C. Set up displays and promote S Gauge at model railroad and train shows.
Section:3. Goals
A. Build an operating portable S Gauge layout to be set up at train shows and promote S Gauge, This layout could also be set up for use at our meetings.
B. Host open local train meets.
C. Host future S Gauge national conventions.
Section 4. Disbandment
A. In the event that the Badgerland S Gaugers dissolve as an organization, any assets or monies will be dispersed lo another or other non profit model railroad organizations as voted on by the remaining membership.
Article II Officers, Duties, Terms of Office
Section I. Officers
A. The offices of the Badgerland S Gaugers shall be President, Vice President/Program Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer. All shall be of legal age and be duly elected.
B. The Board of Directors shall consist of 3 members of the Badgerland S Gaugers and be elected by the membership. Any member of the Board of Directors may not hold any other office.
C. The Officers and the Board of Directors shall be members of a standing committee known as the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Duties
A. President
1. Shall conduct and preside at all business meetings.
2. Set up the dates and locations of the meetings.
3. May call meetings of the Executive Committee of the Badgerland S Gangers from time to time for the purpose of coordinating meetings, conventions, committees, and other Badgerland S Gaugers business.
B. Vice-President/Program Coordinator
1. Shall assist the President in his duties as required, preside at meetings in the Presidents absence, and assume the Presidents role if he or she is incapacitated.
2. Setup programs for every meeting.
C. Secretary
1. Keep minutes of all business meetings.
2. Take applications for membership.
3. Keep a record of all members.
4. Shall prepare ballots for a II elections or votes.
D. Treasurer
1. Take in dues and all monies.
2. Keep a record of all income and expenses.
3. All monies are to be deposited in a savings account or a checking account in the name of the Badgerland S G augers. An alternate signature should be recognized by the bank or savings & loan, preferably that of the club president.
4. The Treasurer has the authority to pay all bills on behalf of the club.
5. Has the responsibility of filing annually, and meeting the state statutes, in order to maintain our non-profit status.
E. Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall coordinate all activities of Badgerland S Gaugers.
Section 3. Terms of Office
A. Tenure
1. Elections will be held every two years.
2. The length of office is two years. Terms will run from January 1 to December 31.
3. There are no term limits for the offices of President, Vice-President/Program Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer.
4. The Board of Directors shall serve 3-year terms. These terms shall rotate each year with one new member being elected each year.
5. The Editor is a voluntary job, which has been attached to the office of the Secretary.
6. In the event that an officer is unable to complete their term of office, for whatever reason, the Executive Committee may appoint a replacement to finish out the term, until the next general election.
Article III Voting
Section 1.
A. Procedures
1. Voting shall I be done by voice, hand or secret ballot.
2. All nominations shall take place at the October meeting. The slate of nominations shall be published in the November newsletter. The election shall be held at the December meeting by secret ballot. Members may vote by absentee ballot. A ballot for this purpose shall be included in the November newsletter. The ballot must be returned at, or before, the December meeting.
3. Changes to the Rules and By-laws shall take place by secret ballot.
4. Majority rules on all votes.
5. In the case of a tie vote, there will be a new ballot cast from the members present at the meeting and the majority of that vote will rule.
Article IV Dues, Income and Expenditures
Section I
A. Dues Schedule
1. All dues are due January 1.
2. The newsletter prior to the December meeting will contain the BSG dues schedules. This will act as an official dues notice. This will be repeated in the January newsletter and will be accompanied by an overdue notification slip. Any member who fails to pay their dues by January 31st shall be dropped from membership.
3. There will be four dues rates. This will depend on the level of membership.
4. Levels of membership; Participating, Associate, Spousal and Family.
5. The rate per year will be recommended by the executive committee and voted on by the BSG membership.
6. First year membership will require an initiation fee to offset the cost of the BSG patch and membership badge. The executive committee will determine this fee.
B. Dues Rates & Definition of Membership
1. Participating membership **
a) Receives club newsletter.
b) Receives club membership discount card.
c) Has complete voting rights on all issues
d) May be in attendance at "all" general meetings.
e) May attend all swap meets at "no charge".
f) Eligible for participation at club sponsored model railroad shows.
g) Receives BSG patch and membership badge.
** First Year Membership Requires An Initiation Fee To Cover BSG Administrative Costs.
2. Associate membership
a) Receives club newsletter.
b) Have no voting rights on any issues
c) May attend "one" general meeting per year.
d) Must pay admission to all club sponsored events.
3. Spouse membership
a) A spouse will have full membership rights.
4. Family membership *
a) All family members have full membership rights.
b) All family members will receive a club patch.
c) All family members will receive a membership badge. (Blue Pin)
d) All family members will receive a club membership card, which entitles them to full member privileges.
*Family rate regardless of number of immediate family members. Immediate family member definition is: spouse and children under the age of 18.
Section 2
A. Income
1. The Badgerland S Gaugers will generate income from the following.
a) Collection of Membership dues.
b) Hosting Fall S Fest and other related S gauge model railroading conventions.
c) Sponsoring Train Trade Shows Swap Meets.
d) Sale of club sponsored project items.
e) Collection of club imposed fines.
Section 3
A. Expenditures
1. The Executive Committee has the authority to approve expenditures for the welfare and benefit of the Badgerland S Gangers. Such expenditures shall not exceed $ 150.00 between membership meetings. All expenditures in excess of $90.00 will require the approval of the membership by vote as outlined in Article III unless approved at a prior membership meeting.
Article V Committee Appointments
A. All committees shall be appointed by the President.
Article VI Quorum
A. In order for a legal meeting to take place, 20% of the members must be present.
Article VII Changing the Rules and By-laws
A. In order for a change to be made in the By-laws, any member must present the change in writing at a regular meeting. It must then be published in the next newsletter. It will be voted upon at the next regular meeting.
Article VII Newsletter Editor
A. The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the President at the December meeting.
1. The duty of the Editor will be to publish and mail out newsletters to each member prior to each meeting.
2. Mail out application forms and S gauge information to prospective new members.
3. The newsletter is to contain:
a) The minutes of the last meeting and the date, time and place of the next meeting.
b) Any heretofore mentioned articles of the by-laws.
c) Any interesting, helpful or informative articles.
d) Each year a club membership roster is to be included in one issue of the newsletter.
Amendments to Badgerland S Gaugers Rules & By-Laws
Rules & By-Laws Approved March 21, 1976.
Rules & By-Laws Amended March 20, 1977.
3/16/93 State of Wisconsin, Non-Profit Status � Disbandment Clause � Alternate Signature on BSG Account Term Limits � Officer Replacement � Newsletter Editor Responsibilities.
3/17/96 Membership Dues � Rate Change
4/22/01 Definitions of Membership
10/14/01 BSG Elections � Terms of Office
1/20/02 Family Rate Established
1/23/05 Dues Schedule Section Expanded � Dollar Amounts of Dues Removed � Income Section Revised
4/17/05 Overdue dues notice defined and January 31st set as deadline.
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For comments on, change request, or questions send E-Mail Message to the Webmaster All information contained on this site is � 1999 - 2006 Badgerland S Gaugers, unless otherwise credited. The views and opinions expressed in the Badgerland S Gaugers WWW Pages are those of the contributor, unless otherwise credited, and do not necessarily represent that of the club it's officers, directors, or the membership. The Badgerland S Gaugers do not offer any warranties, guarantees, nor assume any liability from the information contained on or referenced from this site. |