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Badgerland S Gaugers Membership Application


Shown below is a sample of the Badgerland S-Gaugers Group application form. Use the download links below the sample form to gain a form that can be filled out and printed. The BSG Membership thanks you for your interest in Badgerland S-Gaugers.

Download Application in Adobe PDF Format by clicking here

Download Application in Microsoft Word  Format by clicking here.


Make your check payable to: Badgerland S Gaugers

New Members if joining by mail:

Please complete the application form and send it along with a check in the appropriate amount to our club Secretary. 

Jeff Madden
438 Bron Derw Ct.
Wales, WI 53183
(262) 968-3729

If you would like to become a member and would like to view what we do before you join, please feel free to attend a meeting.  Badgerland generally has a layout with members at Mad City, Cedarburg, Delavan, Green Bay, and Trainfest as well as or swap meets. Times and locations of the shows can be found on our local events page.


Renewals of Membership:

If you are already a member send your check to our Treasurer or,
If changes in membership, enclose our application form with noted changes or make and send a note with payment to:

Roy Meissner
 Box 1
Merton, Wl 53055


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All information contained on this site is © 1999 - 2006 Badgerland S Gaugers, unless otherwise credited.
The views and opinions expressed in the Badgerland S Gaugers WWW Pages are those of the contributor, unless otherwise credited, and do not necessarily represent that of the club it's officers, directors, or the membership. The Badgerland S Gaugers do not offer any warranties, guarantees, nor assume any liability from the information contained on or referenced from this site.