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Wisconsins Rapids Autumn Rail Color

Wisconsins Rapids Autumn Rail Color

The Wisconsin Autumn color turn is slow.
In the third week of October, the reds were good
and the yellows were first showing up.
That's about 2 weeks later than I would expect.
On October 28, 2017, we had a freeze and then many leaves fell

Use a polarizer lens or sunglasses to get a sky that contrasts with the leaves.


A quadcopter view of the northwest corner of the industrial side of Wisconsin Rapids, a minute before sunset.


Autumn color at the Grand Rapids. Yellow leaves on willows and cottonwoods.


Zooming or cropping in closer to the upper right of the picture,
there is a blurry distant paper mill switch job crossing the Wisconsin River.


Same idea, different day.


Even the Sumac is late at turning red, usually its the first.


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This page was wrote in October, 2017.