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Railroad Winter In Wisconsin Rapids

Railroad Winter In Wisconsin Rapids

During Autumn, there was track work at the Rapids yard switch leads.
And before Winter really came, they loaded out the old switches.

There have been many cloudy days, some people say we are getting November clouds in December this year.


Pulp wood is sorted every morning for the paper mills in Rapids, Biron, and Nekoosa.


A refrigerated car is headed to the WOW warehouse (WOW = warehouse of Wisconsin) in the industrial park.


Streets have been plowed a few times in December; snow banks are 2 feet high at street side; and there's few places left to park a car to watch trains. Winter is here.



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This page was wrote in December, 2016. It's Christmas day, there's 10 inches of snow so far in December, and its 32 F and raining today.