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cold railroading 2015

cold railroading 2015

Cold spells are the news again this year.

I can appreciate and respect cold, our area has food processors
with frozen french fries and cranberries in -5 F warehouses.
That's where people work while wearing triple-layer insulated suits in the summer time.

I see Cryo Trans cars every day, there's about 2 a day loaded out near Plover.


Below, the blue Cold Train car isn't very common in central Wisconsin, I only saw 2 this Winter.

Cold Spot

In early December, 2014, the Wisconsin River in Wisconsin Rapids looked like this.


And we finally got a true cold spell down to -15 F in January; the river is froze.
Paper dryer moist air is condensing into a frosty fog.
The CN locomotive is working beyond the levee at the big paper mill.


And at the same time, the blue GT 4926 is coming up to the diamond and swinging gate stop sign of the paper mill crossing.


This job is going to the Biron paper mill.
It would be safe to walk on the river again; follow the trails of the ice fishermen and take an axe to check the ice near the fast moving channels at the sides of this river.


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This page was wrote in early January, 2015