The 4-year old in the family has the Holidays all figured out.
. . . Naughty . . . or . . Nice . . . ?
If you are nice
(which applies only when you are near Santa at the school program)
you can get a present.
He doesn't know what coal is.
Time is relative. He opened a package with a truck that he wanted.
He was so happy,
. . . . he said 'he waited his whole life' for it.
I rolled up the snowman on December 23rd, 2014. The center of Wisconsin had an inch of wet packing snow. There was 8 inches up north, and none to the south, east, and west of us.
Much of December has been cloudy, foggy, even rainy, and otherwise devoid of sunshine except for 2 days.
The railroad is getttng rocks for Christmas, from the public complaints of trains blocking street crossings.
Some of the track improvements at the Point yard are done, |
Point yard has ties in hoppers and new panel track. |
Ballast is piling up by Patch Street near the P-line. |
Lots of trains are still moving. |
John K has the 2713 in lights, and it looks good in the daytime, too. There will be a bi-annual or tri-annual celebration here in September 2015. |
I see the Next Gen web site doesn't work at all anymore, and some of my older web pages are there.
I might move some older train pages to the TrainWeb site, a very reliable web host.
This page was wrote in December, 2014