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Location Cost in 1914 Building or item to Reproduction

Ashley to retire track ICC# 33 1130' 1-21-1931

Ashley to retire ICC# 28 422' 2-2-1939;retire 420' of ICC# 26 3-3-1939;retire beet track

ICC#81 905' 1-25-1940

Ashley $375.00
Stock yards, auth to reire 12-31-1937

Ashley $240.00
Passenger Platform

Ashley $50.00
Tool House - car, Auth to retire 3-2-1932

Ashley $1,050.00
Passenger and Freight - Grand Trunk 1/2 interest - Ann Arbor all platform

North Star to retire track ICC# 36 619', ICC#1903 165' 12-31-1937

North Star $50.00
Tool House Car, Auth to retire 1-30-1935 also coal house

North Star $800.00
Passenger and Freight

North Star to retire industry track ICC# 34 904.5' 2-13-1941

North Star to retire scale house & scales 1-21-1931

North Star $375.00
Stock yards, Auth to retire 1-21-1931

Ithaca to retire track ICC# 46 455' 12-31-1937

Ithaca to retire 1-25-1940

Ithaca $3,400.00
Passenger and Freight

Ithaca to retire overhead bridge No. 138.72 over highway 57, State replaced bridge 2-11-


Ithaca $96.00
Car House

Ithaca $700.00
Stock yards

Alma $62.00
Pere Marquette 1/2

Alma $4,110.00
William, White, 10 pockets

Alma $2,600.00
Passenger - Pere Marquette ½

Alma $1,580.00
14' x 20' Tank, wooden support, drop spout

Alma $72.00
Car House, retire frame car body section house, frame section tool house 2/11/1936

Alma $50.00
Bunk car

Alma $775.00
Stock yards, scales and scales house; Auth to retire 1-25-1940

Alma to retire tracks ICC# 3, 57 & 62 serving Michigan Sugar Co. 3-2-1932;retire coal

company track 37.5' of ICC# 66 2-2-1939

Alma to retire watchman house, flashing light signals installed 4-1-1940

BRI to reconstruct trestle bridge No. 145.26 located .14 miles east of Alma, replace with

3 26" 300# I beam on treated pilining 8-5-1936.

Forrest Hill to retire stock track ICC# 69 485' 2-13-1941

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