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Location Cost in 1914 Building or item to Reproduction

Durand to retire repair track ICC# 121 324' 1-30-1935;300' of ICC# 120, ICC#111 1892',

retire storage track ICC# 119 1787' 12-31-1937;House track ICC# 115 115' 2-2-

1939;retire stock yard track ICC# 112 584', 234' of ICC# 113 1-25-1940;retire 300'

of house track and connection track 2-13-1941

Durand $720.00
Freight House

Durand $150.00
3 bunks cars;Auth to retire old coach body 1-25-1940

Durand $50.00
Tool car

Vernon $0.00
Elevator (Grain)

Vernon to retire 1-25-1940

Vernon $550.00
Stock yards, Auth to retire 1-25-1940

Vernon $60.00
Tool House

Vernon $2,400.00
Passenger and Freight

Vernon to retire spur track ICC# 125 380' , 610' of ICC# 126 1-25-1940

Corunna $100.00
Tool car, bunk car

Corunna $400.00
Grand Trrunk 1/2

Corunna $625.00
Stock yards

Corunna $3,580.00

Corunna $1,200.00
Freight house, Auth to retire 1-25-1940

Corunna to Retire 1234' of passing track ICC# 127 and 172' of passing track ICC# 132 1-25-


Owosso $600.00
Corunna Ave. (street car)

Owosso $3,672.00
Turntable, 1908 new concrete foundation and circle wall for 70 foot turntable,

replaced in 1924

Owosso Shop $13,900.00
12 stalls Roundhouse built 1887 with 12 foot addition, 1-1-1940 proposed remove

12 addition & replace with 38 foot addition, enginhouse will have depth of 105 feet.

Owosso Junction $100.00
Michigan Central 1/2

Owosso Junction $144.00
Car House

Owosso $72.00
Car Repair Cabin

Owosso $80.00
Tool House

Owosso Shop $700.00
Trains men Building

Owosso $150.00
Yard Master Office

Owosso $650.00
Stock yards, Auth to retire 1-30-1935

Owosso Junction $296.00
Passenger platform

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