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Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association

Ann Arbor Railroad Technical and Historical Association



# Wanted

Total Price

Ann Arbor Employee Timetable #107 (April 30, 1939) - Paper


Craig Wilson's "Freight Cars of the Ann Arbor Railroad 1947 - 1985" - Paperback


Henry Rigg's "The Ann Arbor Railroad - 50 Years Ago" - Paperback


Hugh A. Hornstein "The Haywire" (M&LS RR) - Hardback


Grant Brown, Jr. "Ninety Years Crossing Lake Michigan" (Carferries) - Paperback


Robert I. Warrick "The Ann Arbor Railroad  in Color" - Hardback


D. C. Jesse Burkhardt "The Ann Arbor Railroad" - Paperback


Art Chavez and Bob Strauss "SS City of Milwaukee"


Trackside Around Toledo 1946 to 1976 - Jerry Pinkepank


Detroit & Toledo Shoreline Railroad - Geletzke/Hague


Postage Books $6.00 each

Drawings of Ann Arbor trackage and other drawings which are for sale, they $10.00 each plus handling (cost depends on the item),
for a list click here. Then contact the address below for additional information.

CD-ROM / DVD Items

These DVDs may not operate on Windows10 or 11, there are free programs on the web which will allow it to run.

Ann Arbor Railroad Screen Saver (40 different images) - CD-ROM


Elberta 1968 - [ loading boats ]- DVD


Steam 1945 - [ steam operation Ann Arbor area ] - DVD


Vignettes of the Ann Arbor Railroad, Volume No. 1- DVD


Vignettes of the Ann Arbor Railroad, Volume No. 2 - DVD


Vignettes of the Ann Arbor Railroad, Volume No. 3 - DVD


Back Issues of the Association Newsletters - Indexed on CD-ROM


Postage DVD/CD-ROM $6.00 each

DECAL SETS AVAILABLE FROM THE AARRT&HA (HO scale only at the present time)  To view sheets on HO-Scale web - click here

Set ID

Set Description


# wanted


AA Set #1

Pennant heralds, both outline and solid, in 24-, 27-, 30-, and 60- inch sizes with white lettering. This is the flag pennant and does not have additional letters or numbering. This set can be used on a number of different cars.

$3.00 per set

AA Set #2

Compass heralds (one inch) in 15-, 24-, 39-, 42-, and 57- inch sizes with black lettering in the Compass.

$6.00 per set

AA Set #3

Compass heralds in the same sizes as AA Set#2, but without two - color compass herald. Set has white lettering on the compass.

$6.00 per set

AA Set #5

Ann Arbor RR Blue/White/Gray RS1 and the Black S3 switchers. Set includes Yellow and white colors.

$5.50per set

AA Set #6

This set provides the lettering for any of the Orange paint schemes on the Ann Arbor RR Alco RS1’s and S3 switchers.

$4.00 per set

AA Set #8

This decal set contains lettering, numbers, flag and compass herald for the Ann Arbor RR steel caboose. One set can do one or two cars if used carefully.

$3.00 per set

AA Set #9

This set is for the Ann Arbor RR FA2’s Yellow lettering and numbers and white numbers. One blue flag for the front of the locomotive.

$7.50 per set

AA Set #10

This set is the correct size lettering and numbering for the orange paint scheme on the Ann Arbor RR’s GP35’s.

$6.00 per set

AA Set #11

This set will complete two 500 series covered hoppers in the gray paint scheme. This set has the black original numbers and white repaint numbers.

$6.00 per set

AA Set #13

This set goes on the Roberts & Shafer Coaling Tower. The white on blue portion of the set goes on the hoist house and the white on red portion goes on the coal bin.

$2.00 per set

DT&I Santa Caboose

This set is used to make the wooden Santa Caboose used on the DT&I .A good photo showing this car is on the December page of the 1995 AARRT&HA calendar. It is also given in the Modeller's Column of our newsletter; Volume 4 Number 4 of 1988.

$5.00 per set

Green Bay and Western
Order page

The 4 different sets will do 40 and 50 foot cars with "Packers" football on the side of car.

Add $1.00 for postage. More than 8 sets,email for postage quote.

CALENDARS for sale

  • Calendars (think of them as 12 - 8" x 10" pictures; see calendar picture index on the AARRT&HA web site for specific description of each.



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Mail this completed form with your check or money order and this completed form to:

NOTICE: Please allow three to four weeks for delivery. Thank you for this order.

Form OrderPage1.htm - Updated January 10, 2024 HFB