Welcome to Raton, NM, this road is Business I-25. |
At the Raton station, this is also a smoking/fresh air stop, or in today's case, frozen air with the temp bumping up to 21 degrees from the 19 at La Junta! |
Marchiando's Dry Goods, a staple here in Raton! |
The Amtrak Station at Raton, NM, a building of Santa Fe heritage. The station itself is not staffed but assistance in boarding the train is provided by
the train crew as per the same way as other unstaffed stations along the route.
The Southwest Chief taking a break at Raton. |
Of course, you can't stop in Raton and not see their version of the "Hollywood" sign!!! |
A place setting in the Dining Car on the Southwest Chief. These seem to be a little different on each route which makes them interesting to photograph! |
I would have the Marketplace Special for lunch which was Turkey Meatballs with a tomato sauce and parmesan cheese with
garlic mashed potatoes
and the ever present Diet Pepsi!
Now passing through Wagon Mound, NM. |
Antelope running wild and free near Valmora, NM. |
Yes, a cross-country trip in a camper is nice, but I'm having more fun riding the train cross-country!!! |
Now arriving in fabulous Las Vegas!!!! New Mexico that is! |
Nice home with a nice view of the main line near Ribera, NM. |
This area is known as the Pecos National Historic Park in Pecos, NM near the Pecos River. |
Now heading into the rock cuts at Glorieta Pass. |
That's one very interesting house hidden deep in the Santa Fe National Forest in the area of Glorieta Pass. |
Now rejoining I-25 near Santa Fe. |
Now stopping at Lamy, NM which is the closest stop to the city of Santa Fe. |
Next to the station at Lamy, we have a reefer car, sitting on a bulkhead flat car with no trucks! |
Former Santa Fe Super Chief Dome Car "Plaza Lamy" is parked at the Lamy Station, and in this photo, carefully hidden behind those trees! |
The Amtrak Station at Lamy, NM. |
This former Atlantic Coast Line Dining Car is located next to the Lamy Station and once housed a restaurant. |
The Santa Fe Southern Railway has a connection here in Lamy. Here we see CF-7 #07 parked at that connection. |
Interesting Baggage Car on the Santa Fe Southern! |
Some interesting graffiti on those cars! |
The sunset west of Lamy. |
Now taking a break at Albuquerque, NM after sunset. |
Albuquerque is a service & fueling stop along with a crew change point for the Southwest Chief. |
Passengers have the chance to get some fresh air or have a smoke while at the extended stop in Albuquerque, or if you're me, get pictures! |
Native Americans have been selling their crafts on the platform here since the days when the Santa Fe Super Chief stopped here,
a time honored tradition that continues to this day! |
Another view just before departing Albuquerque. |
And let's have one more Amtrak Signature Steak for dinner shall we??? |
Now taking a quick break at Gallup, NM. |
Quick view of the station building at Gallup. |
Another view of the Southwest Chief at Gallup. |
Now taking a quick break at Flagstaff, AZ. The Amtrak Station here also serves at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. |
Another quick view at Flagstaff. |