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Email Voting Procedures--Potomac NRHS

Email Voting Procedures -- Potomac NRHS

Procedures for approving motions via email
Board of Directors
Potomac Chapter, NRHS

The Potomac Chapter Board of Directors has decided to take advantage of email technology to conduct business. The procedures for approval of motions via email are outlined below.

Any board member may make a motion via email.

The motion will expire in seven calendar days or at the start of the next board or membership meeting – whichever comes first.

All board members, including the President, may vote.

Six affirmative votes are required to approve an email motion. The member who proposed the motion is automatically counted as an affirmative vote.

The secretary is responsible for tallying the votes and informing the board of the outcome. Votes should be circulated to all board members. If a member fails to CC: other board members on his vote, the secretary should forward the email to the others. The secretary will be responsible for soliciting the vote of any board member without email and informing the rest of the board about that vote.

Board members should include in the words “I vote No” or “I vote Yes” in the first line of their response.

Email motions can only be voted up or down. They can’t be amended.

The member who proposed the motion may withdraw it at any time prior to approval.

If the motion doesn’t receive the required six votes by the deadline it fails.

The board should review any email motions, approved or unapproved, at the start of the next board meeting. The secretary should include that review in the minutes of the meeting.

Email approval is only suitable for straightforward motions. Email is not suited for the conduct of a deliberative process. Email doesn’t provide the opportunity for discussion or amendment of the motion that you would have in a face-to-face meeting. Members should feel free to say, “I vote No, because I think we should discuss it.” The member who proposed the motion shouldn’t take offense at such a response.

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