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Last Update:  5/26/2012

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Update 6/13/2015:  There is some hope that the website will be updated in the near future.  As time allows, I plan to get back to work going through my library of old photos, as well as maybe some new photos as well.  While the new era of heavy policing and trespassing enforcement makes getting photos of many of my old stomping grounds difficult if not impossible, it is my goal to proceed with the hobby following the new rules of staying off of railroad and private property.

--Kevin Stevens

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If you are interested in the photographic and scanning equipment I use to produce this website, Click here for details.

If you have a link to this site, let me know.  I will gladly trade links with other web site operators.  If you are interested in having your site linked to The Kern Junction Railroad Photo Gallery, submit a request through the E-mail link on the menu bar.

Some commentary about our hobby of Railfanning:

As a responsible Railfan, I support Operation Lifesaver.   Please support them by visiting their web site and participating in any activities they organize in your area.  They believe that Education and Personal Responsibility are the keys to Railroad Safety.

While Railfanning, please respect Private Property (Railroad and otherwise).  Safety should ALWAYS come first, and all other considerations should follow accordingly.  Leave locations you visit in better condition than they were when you arrived.   Please be courteous to any Railroad or security employees you may come across during your outings.  Also, respect their workspace:  They are at work, so allow them to do their jobs without interference.  I also encourage you to report any suspicious activity or dangerous situations (track obstructions, dangerous trespassing, etc...) you observe along the right-of-way to either local authorities or directly to the affected Railroad (most Class 1's have a toll free emergency number--shortlines should be in the local phone book or use local emergency numbers).  By doing this, you may be able to prevent injury or financial loss for the Railroads and possible harm or injury to Railroad Employees.

This site is maintained by Kevin Stevens and is hosted at TrainWeb (see links at bottom of page)Please e-mail me with any comments, questions, requests or suggestions regarding this site or its contents.  While this e-mail address had been dead for a couple years, I have reactivated it and will check it from time to time. 

DISCLAIMER:   All photos (unless noted) were taken by, and/or are the property of Kevin Stevens.  Images on this site can be used for non-profit purposes with only the condition of proper credit and/or linking of this site.  For other uses of the contents of this site, please e-mail me with your specific requests.  If photos or information is included from an outside source or person, proper credit will be attached.   Although the information included on this site is believed to be factual, I cannot absolutely guarantee it's accuracy.  If an error or omission is found, it will be researched and corrected (if needed).  Railfanning and web hosting are hobbies for me, not a profession.   Therefore, I hope you will understand that I may not always have access to all of the facts.  I welcome outside input, which I will use for future updates and improvements to this site.

-- Thank you for your interest in this web site.  Please visit again soon. --

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