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CTC Board's Day in North America - June 1, 2002


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CTC Board's Day in North America - June 1, 2002
Click on the picture to view - Full sized image will open in a new window
Click on the location link to view a map and information on the photo location.

Each year, CTC Board Magazine selects one day as its "Day in North America" and asks its readership to take railroad photos on that day and submit them to the magazine for a unique feature photo section which includes only photos taken in that 24 hour period.  The first such feature occurred back in 1985 when the magazine was regional, and was called "A Day in the West".   When the magazine took its coverage, the feature became "A Day in North America", and it has become one of the most anticipated issues of the magazine each year.

This year, I made plans to go out and shoot some photos on that day.  My planned trip for the day took me to several locations including Nipton on the UP Cima Sub, Cadiz on the BNSF Needles Sub, and back through Barstow and Tehachapi.  After looking at the results of my efforts, I felt that there weren't any photos that I would expect to be published if they were submitted.  Because of this, I decided to post my photos on my website instead of submitting them to the magazine.  Based on past issues, there will be more than enough excellent photos for the editors to choose from to produce an excellent feature.

06010205t.jpg (5324 bytes) Location:  Cadiz, CA

An Eastbound BNSF manifest freight is shown approaching the junction with the Arizona and California Ry. at speed.

06010207t.jpg (6203 bytes) Location:  Amboy, CA

A panoramic view of an Eastbound BNSF RoadRailer train crossing the desert just East of Amboy, with dark volcanic rock and mountains as a backdrop to the barren desert in the foreground.

06010216t.jpg (6439 bytes) Location:  Daggett, CA

A UP military equipment train sits at Daggett on UP's Cima Sub waiting for a signal to enter BNSF trackage.

06010224t.jpg (6704 bytes) Location:  Caliente, CA

Back in more familiar territory for me, a panoramic view of a Westbound UP Z train rolling through Caliente. 

06010228t.jpg (6214 bytes) Location:  Caliente, CA

The same train as in the above photo is shown further West as it rolls alongside the Caliente Creek just below the town.

06010234t.jpg (6655 bytes) Location:  West of Caliente, CA

An Eastbound BNSF train emerges from the Caliente Creek canyon below the town of Caliente through the reverse curves visible from Caliente-Bodfish Road.

06010236t.jpg (6886 bytes) Location:  Tunnel #2

The same Eastbound BNSF train as in the above photo is shown a couple of rail miles uphill from the previous shot.  By road, the location is only about 1/2 of a mile away.  This makes it easy to shoot an Eastbound at both locations with little effort.  The train is shown approaching the sweeping curve that leads to Tunnel #2.

06010242t.jpg (6405 bytes) Location:  West of Caliente, CA

A little different angle of the reverse curve below Caliente with another Eastbound BNSF train.

06010247t.jpg (7008 bytes) Location:  Tunnel #2

As before, same Eastbound BNSF train as the previous photo.  Again, this is a different angle shot at Tunnel #2.  This time, the BNSF train is rounding the curve leading to the tunnel which is just out of frame to the right.