New! 36" long by 18" deep
Build an easy-to-carry scene that can connect to the club's regular 6' long modules.
Participate in real-time chat about mini-modules on Discord. You'll need to download the app. It's free! Click here to register or sign in to Discord
On Discord, find us at #mini-module-idea -- hosted by Charley #9452.
Here are the basics of one way to build a mini-module. This one is made from parts purchased from a company that makes model railroad layout frames and legs. You could make your own.
The important thing is that the dimensions have to be as follows:
Length or depth: 36" (plus or minus 1/16")
Depth or length: 18" (plus or minus 1/16")
Distance from the top of the rails to the floor: 40" (with 1" up and 1" down adjusters)
Other requirements:
Two mainlines, code 83 track:
Eastbound: 4" on center from the front edge
Westbound" 6" on center from the front edge
Electrical wiring and connections:
Follow the specs for the club's regular modules.
Wiring colors (starting from closest to the visitors' side of the module):
Orange (eastbound +)
White (eastbound -)
Blue (westbound -)
Red (westbound +)
Green (siding -)*
Yellow (siding +)*
*Siding is not required. If used, follow the colors shown. Wiring for other trackage can be any color not shown above.
Mini-module specs — subject to change.
Here's a mini under construction.