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photo by Fred Miller

Here's one of the newer areas on the layout. Notice the sewer pipe dumping into the creek. This is still done today in Missouri and the Department of Natural Rescources refuse to do anything about it. They claim polluters like this are exempt due to the "Grandfather Clause" in the laws. So we can no longer swim in our lakes or streams due to feces and urine runoff in our water. 20 years ago you could drink creek water, today you can't set out on your back porch in the summer due to the smell coming from your trailer trash neighbors raw feces being piped over the hill without even a septic tank. My well is even tainted by the ecoli and we drink bottled water. My only happieness is in knowing the neighbors are still drinking their water and in effect their own wastes. Recycling works.


page © 9/2003 by: Fredrick L. Miller