in Western New York
In the history of railroading, first came the locomotive, and then the invention of brakes! And then a need for Safety with Signaling. There are many, many fine WebSites that detail the history of Wayside Signals and the very important role they play in the day to day operation of railroads. This section will not try to duplicate what they have done but to share with you some of the signals that used to and still exist in the Western New York region. At the bottom of this section you can find links to some of the many sites that have great information on the history, types and styles of Wayside Signals. |
We encourage anyone who has photo's of signals in the Western New York area to submit them for posting here. Please include as much information about the signal as possible and who gets credit for the photo. As always, be a Courteous Railfan and respect railroad property rights and liability. We DO NOT encourage trespassing on railroad or private property. Wayside signals are part of the railroad landscape and are often overlooked and now many are gone or have been replaced with modern counterparts. Lets have some fun with this and see how many local and distant signals we can find. |