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 "The T1 Trust" Partnership 

       The Western New York Railway Historical Society has reached and signed an agreement with "The T1 Trust",
an organization formed to build a brand new Pennsylvania Railroad Class T1 - 4-4-4-4 Steam Locomotive.

The Society is selling our long-haul tender, #6659 Class 210-F75a, currently stored in North Collins, New York to the group for $25,000. The long haul tender was originally acquired by the WNYRHS to replace our gutted-out short tender for our PRR 2-10-0 I-1sa steam locomotive. As part of the purchase agreement, the T1 Trust has agreed to fully restore the I-1's tender to its original specifications as part of our planned cosmetic restoration of the locomotive. The cost of the tender restoration is estimated to be approximately $75,000.

"The T1 Trust" issued the following Press Release on Monday, August 21st 2017.


The tender holds 31 tons of coal and 21,000 gallons of water. The tank is the last of its kind, no other "Coast-to-Coast" tenders with 16-wheels are known to exist. The tender is in excellent condition with sealed hatches, minor surface rust, and well preserved trucks, thanks to the tender's low side walls that sheltered the trucks and bearings from weather. Jason Johnson, the T1 Trust's General Manager remarked after having visited the tender for a thorough inspection, "I just can't get over what great shape it's in."

The T1 Trust has also made arrangements to store the tender at the Heritage Discovery Center, in Buffalo, NY for up to 30 years at a cost of $1 per year where it will be displayed alongside the PRR I1sa #4483. We are very happy to partner with the "T1 Trust" to help make #5550 a reality. They bring a great deal of expertise to the table and we look forward to working with them in the restoration of our I-1 tender and seeing the long haul tender return to its intended use.

Trains© Magazine Newswire also issued an update on Monday, August 21st 2017.

This page was last updated: October 15th, 2020

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The WNYRHS, Inc. P.O. Box 416, Buffalo, NY. 14231-0416 is an independent organization and has no affiliation with any other local or national group.
The Society is a fully qualified organization under 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all donations to the Society are tax deductible.
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  Web Design & Hosted by  - Scott H.