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You are here: Pg 1 WNB Home Page > Pg 5 - Members Bulletin Board
Purpose: Members may use this page to announce Items For Sale and other railroad-related announcements.
Blacklight Rail & Spike
(a subsidiary of Blacklight Sound) offers discounts to WNB
members on HO and Aristo Craft G Scale equipment. They have
also done custom installations of overhead railways in about
5 area restaurants. Hours by appointment. Contact Steve
Kepner at 717-584-4117
Photo shows owner Steve Kepner (front) turning his speeder . Steve's speeder holds 3 people in addition to himself; you can often purchase a "ticket" for one of these seats. For more details, contact Steve Kepner at 717-584-4117. |
((For more info on speeders, you can visit the national speeder site at http://www.narcoa.org ))
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