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WNBRRHS Appendix B, Work Notes

7/21/99 (revision notes at bottom of page)

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Appendix B - Worknotes

Purpose: This web page contains miscellaneous working notes that, in general, do not appear in the official newsletter.

This Notes Web Page consists of these 3 sections:

Section B.1 -- Miscellaneous Notes

Scenery Plaster Strips (Soars)

Section B.2 -- Society Agenda 10/17/98

The following notes were received via email, from Secretary Lenny Hiltz on 3/3/98.

W & NB RR Historical Society
Calendar of Events
January, 1998
Meeting on the 12th
Announce dues for the year; Dues must be paid within 90 days
February, 1998
Meeting on the 16th
Are your dues paid??
March, 1998
Meeting on the16th
Final month for dues to be paid
April, 1998
Meeting on the 20th
Secretary - mail current membership list to all members
May, 1998
Meeting on the 4th
June, 1998
Meeting on the 15th
Lycoming County Fair is next month
Setup procedures for the fair;
who/where/how monies will be turned in
receipts made when passing monies at beginning and end of day????
who will work and when
what hours shall we be open
July, 1998 - Meeting date not settled-watch your newsletters!!!
Meeting on the 13th unless changed because of the Fair
The Lycoming County Fair - our major fund raiser
August, 1998
Meeting on the 17th
September, 1998
Meeting on the 21st
October, 1998
Meeting on the 19th
Appoint a nominating committee
1st discussions for Mall show
discuss how we shall keep track of money
tentative work schedules??
November, 1998
Meeting on the 16th
Elections tonight
December, 1998
Meeting on the 21st
Worknights are on Mondays that there are no meetings!!!! Anyone planning on going to a worknight should call key-carrying members to ensure that someone will be present at the layout

Section B.3 -- Notes About 10/17/98 Roof Replacement

Subject: WNB-Rqst Reply-Fred Lenny Kevin Roy Tom Joe Bob
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 03:25:56 +0000
From: Track2 RailNet <>
To: Tom Martino <tpmar@>, Joe Millheim <playwisyou@>,
Kevin Kohler <krkohler@>, Steve Kepner <S0J3d5@>,
Robert Soars <rsoars@>, Chuck Koch <CKoch99834@>,
"Fred B. Cupp" <fbcupp@>,
Roy Kunst <72733.3453@>, Ron Gardner <rong@>,
Lenny Hiltz <lwhiltz@>
SUBJECT: WNB Trailer Roofing Work Session #2
DATE: Saturday, October 17, 9 am - finish, at the trailer
((rain date is Sunday October 18.))
ACTION REQUESTED: Please email reply back "yes", 'no", or "not sure"
whether you can make this Oct 17 work session.
Tools: Pease bring the following tools, if you have them available:
* Cordless drill
* Phillips-head screw bit for the drill
* 10 ft ladder
Thanks. - Jim Ingram
Session 1 on Sun Oct 4 included Gardner, Ingram, Kepner, & Koch.
Cleaned screw heads & removed banners, but decided not to tackle whole
roof, due to limited manpower on site.
So we set a second session for Oct 17. Steve says if we can get 8
people "on the job", it should go really fast.
((list of names deleted from the end of this email; same list appears below))


WNB Sat 10/17 Hiltz Martino Soars - Roofing Session
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:18:49 +0000
Track2 DanceNet <>
Lenny Hiltz <lwhiltz@>, Tom Martino <tpmar@>,
Joe Millheim <playwisyou@>, Kevin Kohler <krkohler@>,
Steve Kepner <S0J3d5@>, Robert Soars <rsoars@>,
Chuck Koch <CKoch99834@>, "Fred B. Cupp" <fbcupp@>,
Roy Kunst <72733.3453@>, Ron Gardner <rong@>
1. REMINDER ...........
((If Tom Martino makes it, we will have just 5 people there:
Hiltz, Ingram, Kepner, Martino, & Soars.))
2. I will probably be DISCONNECTED from the internet for a while
(computer going out for repairs), so PHONE ME @ 322-0988 if you need to
tell me anything.
Thanks. - Jim Ingram
SUBJECT: WNB Trailer Roofing Work Session #2
DATE: Saturday, October 17
TIME: 9 am - finish, at the trailer
((rain date is Sunday October 18.))
Tools: Please bring the following tools, if you have them available:
* Cordless drill
* Phillips-head screw bit for the drill
* 10 ft ladder
* Tape Measure
Current availability status of members appears below.
____ --- Applegate, Charlie, 546-3355
No ----- Cupp, Fred, 321-5687, cell 220-5500 ((could work Sunday))
No ------Gardner Ron, 584-2066
YES -- Hiltz, Lenny, 546-2332, cell ??971-2295??
YES --- Ingram, Jim, 322-0988
YES --- Kepner, Steve, 584-4117, cell ??220-5818)
No - -- Koch, Chuck, 546-3355 ((could work Sunday))
____ -- Kohler, Kevin, 327-1893
No ---- Kunst, Roy, 547-6063 ((wife working; can attend only if warm
enough to bring baby))
YES 90% -- Martino, Tom, 368-8470, cell 916-8470 --uncertain due to O.T.
____ -- Millheim, Joe, 546-8276, cell 916-8276) -- ?? working
YES --- Soars, Bob, 546-2173


((Note: Following 3 photos taken by Steve Kepner, scanned by Roy Kunst))
((These roof pictures are on the internet at

Bob Soars (rear in dark shirt) and Lenny Hiltz (rear) fit insulation, while Tom Martino (standing) supervises.

Lenny Hiltz (rear), Bob Soars (center), cutting insulation to fit, while Tom Martino (standing) supervises. Jim Ingram (far right) fills in as asst. supervisor.

Lenny Hiltz & Bob Soars fastening edge of roof to 2x4 mounting frame.

We're covered!!!!!
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 21:40:49 -0400
"Leonard W. Hiltz" <>
rsoars@, rong@, rkunst@,
krkohler@, fbcupp@, CKoch99834@,
rsoars@, jingram@, S0J3D5@, tpmar@
On Saturday, Oct. 17, 1998, there was a meeting at the layout for the
express purpose of applying the rubberized roof. Present were Bob Soars,
Jim Ingram, Steve Kepner, Tom Martino, Lenny Hiltz and Lenny's grandson,
Mike Cole. (Hope I didn't forget anyone) Paul McMahon was also on hand;
Paul works for Steve.
Anyhow, things got rolling at about 0930 and by 1000 everyone was at work
taking the screws out of the old moulding. Next, we put up the 2 x 4's
with relative ease.
Then came the foam insulation. This was kind of a problem and, I'm sure,
Bob had to soak his knees when he got home. Bob did all the
cutting/fitting of the pieces. He did a real good job. All the pieces
were taped with Duc tape. There was some concern that we would not have
enough to complete the roof, but, in the end, we had probably had close to
1/2 sheet(in pieces) leftover.
While Bob and I were doing the foam, everyone else lifted the roll of
rubber to the roof; they had quite a struggle getting that load up. The
roofing was folded in half on the roll and is white in color. When
unfolded, the factory-cut edge was lined up on the front side, slightly
stretched, then screwed in place. We ran into a slight challenge with the
chimney, but a little teamwork solved it with little problem. We had
pre-drilled aluminum strips to screw into. It made for a really nice job.
After the first long edge, we completed the other "long" side, followed by
each end. It should be noted that, again, Bob used his skills to make some
neatly folded corners.
We found one inch-long hole in the rubber. It is located on the corner
near the weigh-station. A patch can be easily applied. I think Steve and
Jim were going to seal the rubber around the chimney on Sunday, at least
that was the plan.
Anyhow, that's about how it worked. We were done by 5:30 and had real good
teamwork and a good bit of fun also.
Now, we really have no excuse to make some real progress over the winter
(unless the furnace craps out!!!)
Remember, the next meeting is Oct. 26 at the Library at 7:00 p.m.
see ya!!!

Section B.4 -- Announcement For Sun Gazette Region

The following information was mailed (in MS Word format) to the Williamsport Sun Gazette to announce the October meeting. (Unfortunately, they remove both the time and the contact phone number.))

TO: Lifestyle/Region Editors, Williamsport Sun Gazette 252 West Fourth St, Williamsport PA 17701
(326-1551, fax 326-0314)
FROM: Williamsport & North Branch Railroad Historial Society James R. Ingram, (717) 322-0988
Please include the following announcement:
Newspaper Date: Sunday 10/25/98
Section: Region
Column: Events of Special Interest
Model Railroad Tree-Making Demonstration, Williamsport & North Branch Railroad Historial Society, Monday 10/26/98, 7 pm, Hughesville Public Library, 3 So. Main St, Hughesville. For more info, or Fred Cupp, 321-5687.
James R. Ingram, WNBRRHS Webmaster , 322-0988
########## DECEMBER 1998 ANNOUNCEMENT ##############
TO: Lifestyle/Region Editors, Williamsport Sun Gazette 252 West Fourth St, Williamsport PA 17701
(326-1551, fax 326-0314)
FROM: Williamsport & North Branch Railroad Historial Society (James R. Ingram, 717- 322-0988)
Please include the following announcement:
Newspaper Date: Sunday 12/20/98 ((Event will be Monday 12/21/98))
COLUMN: Events of Special Interest
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad Historial Society, "Trolleys Of The Midwest" Slide Show, Monday, 7 pm, Hughesville Public Library, 3 So. Main St, Hughesville. For more info, Fred Cupp, 321-5687
James R. Ingram, WNBRRHS Webmaster , 322-0988

Revisions To This Page:

1. 7/27/98 -- Initial Release of Reference Notes Section B. // 2. 7/29/98 -- Renamed to Chronological Notes Section C, moved Action Items to separate section. // 3. 11/12/98 -- Rename as Section B. Moved names to hidden file, added 10/17 roofing notes. // 4. 3/13/99-moved website to // 7/21/99-minor. //