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Appendix A1 - 1998 Newsletters
Appendix A1 - Some 1998
Purpose: This web page
contains the text-only version of SOME of the recent club
newsletters. ((Note that the printed version is better formatted and
contains pictures & illustrations.))
This Newsletter Web
Page consists of these sections:
July 1998
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 21:41:30
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
To: rsoars@, CKoch99834@,
jingram@, playwisyou@a,
rong@, 72733.3453@,
I tried to send this once
tonight and don't know if I did or not. But,
here is the July Newsletter in
"JPT" (just plain text). It is rather long;
the "prettified" copies will be
available at the meeting.
Minutes of the July
The July meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad, Historical
Society was called to order at
7:00 p.m. on 07/13/98 at the Alex Landesco
layout by Pres. Steve
Treasurer Ron Gardner was absent
due to his National Guard camp,
consequently, there was no
Treasurer's report.
Secretary Lenny Hiltz was about
20 minutes late.
Therefore, the meeting became a
badly needed worknight to prepare for the
1998 Lycoming County Fair.
Present were: Charley Applegate, Lenny Hiltz,
Jim Ingram, Steve Kepner, Chuck
Koch, Kevin Kohler, Roy Kunst, Kevin Lynch,
Tom Martino, Joe Millheim and
Bob Soars.
Work accomplished included, but
was not limited to, the installation of two
air conditioners, installing the
slate on the weighstation roof and general
cleaning/straightening up for
presentation to the public.
And that was about all that
happened at this very productive meeting.
Lenny Hiltz,
Members Offerings:
The following has been compiled
from conversations/e-mail with various W &
NB sources:
The Fair is over!!! We added
$631.00 to our coffers. Quite a a bit better
than last year and probably as
good as the first year. Good work!!! We
still need to accomplish a
couple items before we go back inside to do more
President Kepner will coordinate
the installation of our new roof. He has
tentatively set three Sundays as
"Roof workdays." Those dates are August
9, 16 & 23. We also need to
paint and finish the work Weigh Station. No
dates have been set for that
but, if we have enough members show up, we
should be able to complete both
projects before the 6th Farm & Heritage
Show on the weekend of Aug. 21,
22 & 23. Please let Steve or Jim Ingram
know if/when you are available,
we need to finish these projects before
Speaking of the Farm &
Heritage Show, it runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily
on the dates listed above. If we
have enough help, we can be open the same
hours as we were for the Fair
and can be working on scenery, the roof or
Weigh Station, while waiting for
patrons to stop in. I believe we made
about $30 the one year we were
open for this event.
What could be a major problem
has presented itself in that the Fair
Association has us a bill for a
vendor's fee of $100/year for 3 years, or
$300. Ron paid the bill and had
the check returned with a new, revised
bill. The new bill was for
$300/year. This is the same as everyone else,
only everyone else has easy
patron-access to their stands. We have been
blessed with being behind the
rides with all the ride operators' trucks
blocking the path to our door.
At last report, Steve will attempt some
negotiation with the Fair
Association. Be sure to attend the next meeting
for details. Good luck,
The tree-making seminar has been
postponed until September. Ron must have
a little more time to organize
this activity. The date will be announced
at the August
Since Fred Cupp has joined the
Society, he has contributed in many ways.
He has been a good source of
news for the newsletter and I asked him if he
had anything for the July
newsletter. I received the following from him on
Wednesday with permission to
edit it as I see fit. Except for making it
fit in the columns, I changed
nothing. But I find it very thought
provoking and feel we should
consider carefully what he has to say.
The 1998 Lycoming County Fair is
now history. Our triumphs? and our
mistakes are now history. It is
natural that there are some things we can
now see that can be improved.
Others may not be quite so visible to the
total membership. As a relative
newcomer to the W&NBHS, I can only comment
on those things which have
happened since I joined. The following
observations are not intended to
"ruffle the feathers" of anyone, but are
intended to stimulate discussion
and consideration toward enhancing our
enjoyment and our image to the
viewing public.
Coming from Rochester, I have
been struck by the fact that we seem to have
a much looser relationship among
the members than I enjoyed in my previous
club. Our hobby should be fun,
we should enjoy doing things together and
have a mix of socializing and
working together. The
segregation of workers to
specific tasks may be efficient, but part of the
hobby should be learning new
skills from each other. When we restrain
members to doing only what they
already are skilled at, we don't learn
anything new and we get weary of
doing the same old thing over and over.
Let's mix it up. Let's
deliberately put people in jobs that are not their
norm. Let's encourage trying
something different.
I have also observed a tendency
to revere the "Alex Landesco Layout" to
the point where it may impede
our thinking. Consider: Alex is gone. The
layout was given for our
continued use. We do not have any contractual
requirement to keep everything
just as it was. Are we penalizing ourselves
by not considering possible
improvements? I have no specific examples or
suggestions, but perhaps we
should give a hard look to where we are going.
I have visited clubs which are
strongly oriented toward operating
sessions. Others are oriented
toward exquisite detail of equipment and
dioramas. Still others create
display systems with automated operations.
Certainly we fall into that
category during the county fair season. My
point is that we have never
expressed, verbally, what it is that we want to
be. If we are going to maintain
the layout only for display purposes, then
we should concentrate on
On the other hand, if we hope to
eventually have a layout where we can
have operating sessions for our
own pleasure, then some changes may well be
in order. When it comes to
operation, the "Landesco" layout is very
difficult. The physical space
for "large" operators is very restricted.
The block switch panel is best
suited for accidental "fanny" actuation than
by hand. An actual operating
session for the purpose of running trains
would be quite a sight to see
with people trying to get past each other in
the narrow aisles.
Naturally I have some thoughts
on the 1960's electrical system. A month of
Sundays could be spent just
tracing out the block feeder wires, not to
mention the automatic control
relays on the mainline. I won't dwell on the
wiring, since I am more
interested in hearing what the majority wants to
do. Suffice it to say that the 4
broken track joint jumpers encountered
before the fair, suggest that we
should consider multiple track feeders in
each block to head off more
problems in the future.
Ah well, it's always much easier
to suggest problems than it is to effect
cures. The summation is that I
believe it is about time for us to consider
where we are going, what we want
to do, what type of hobby activity we want
to focus on and then begin
working together towards that goal. If I have
offended any specific interest
or person, my apology, for it was not
intended. If I have stimulated
some solid discussion on these topics, and
helped us to regain a focus on a
then I am satisfied. How about
you? Let's talk about it, soon.
The following has been copied
from Jim Ingram's web site, www.track2.com.
He has a good portion set aside
for our Club and he is doing an excellent
job of keeping it current. Jim
was at the layout almost every night and
has compiled this from members'
** Part of this list was taken
(partially) from the "Gripe List/Wish List"
that was made in the
** Name in parentheses (Lenny)
is who submitted the item.
** Name between arrows
<Kepner> is person working on item.
** Format is modifed to be more
readable when pasted into email.
Partial board 7/27, decided to
operate trailer during ??American days.
Kepner to get dates to
Fix burnt out lights on block
signals; may have to replace whole signal?
Roof on trailer
Office door needs fixing; will
not latch (Ingram).<Kepner> has drill bit,
that may fix this)
Finish scenery
File cabinet would be helpful to
reduce paper disorder in office(Ingram)
Need to find choose color of
paint to use for exterior walls.
Upgrade controls (discussion re:
entending stop block length to stop
flywheel engines, put resistors
across axles to increase resistance)
Narration: From Martino's
suggestion that we have talking sheet for
operators to tell public about
layout; have a recorded narrative that would
play automatically when public
are present. (Kepner)
Sounds: Add local sound blocks,
i.e. roundhouse hammering, idling steam
locos, etc. (Kepner)
Have applications available
Copies of minutes
Memo of Club Purpose
Schedule of meetings
Website Info (Lenny)
Need to get 501C3 non-profit
status. (Kepner now has paperwork for this)
Consider having business card
with club name, address, and contacts on it
Follow up with Railroad Model
Craftsman, re: permission to put Alex article
Add club to NMRA "Membership
Open" in NMRA bulletin. (Ingram)
Make up a big sign (2 ft wide x
2 ft high ballpark) for history of the
trailer (Kepner)
Make up a big sign (2 ft wide x
2 ft high ballpark) for histor of the weigh
station (Kepner).
ADMISSION: Get parking/admission
agreement with fairgrounds operators
settled WELL IN ADVANCE, instead
of it being a last-minute "kneejerk"
thing, so we can inform the
members well in advance. Due to the last
lateness of the decision, nobody
knew what was going on. (Ingram)
If you sign up in advance to
work and can't, YOU take responsibility for
getting a replacement
If everything on layout works
next year, we will need 3-4 people to operate
layout (Lenny).
Must stay open until 11 pm some
days (??unknown).
Can we put donation amounts on
web??? Ingram thinks it should be public
information, since we are
intending to be non-profit 501C3. ANSWER: NO.
Who can mail out 5
application/club info sheets ?? ANSWER: Ron Gardner
Can we get membership list
printed alphabetically? ANSWER Ron Gardner will do.
Hope to see everyone on Monday,
August 17, 1998 for the August meeting. We
have much to talk
August 1998
Subject: Newsletter
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:51:02
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
To: rsoars@, CKoch99834@,
jingram@, playwisyou@,
rong@, 72733.3453@,
Below is the text of this months
Newsletter. Copies will be available at
the meeting on the 28th. I shall
be leaving 9 days beginning 9/19 thru
9/27. See you on the
The August meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad, Historical
Society was called to order at
07:30 p.m. on Aug. 17, 1998 at the
Hughesville Public Library by
Pres. Steve Kepner.
Present were: Ron Gardner, Steve
Kepner, Kevin Kohler, Roy Kunst, Lenny
Hiltz, Bob Soars, Chuck Koch,
Fred Cupp, Jim Ingram, Tom Martino and Jay
Jim Ingram introduced a guest
for the evening. Dr. Ernest H. Hinrichs, of
Timonium, Md and Eagles Mere, Pa
visited our meeting. He models in O scale
and has been working on a
scratch-built W & NB mail car. He has also
helped Thomas T. Taber in
updating Mr. Taber's book, "Muncy Valley
Lifeline". Dr. Heinrichs can be
considered an expert on the W & NB. He
has volunteered to give the
Society a presentation on the W & NB and the
Northern Central
Treasurer Ron Gardner reported
$2,770.03 in the Checkbook. He was hopeful
for the sale of two additional
signs. However, we have invoiced by the
Fair Association for $900 rent,
$300 per year for 3 years. Pres. Kepner
plans to talk to the Association
about this fee. He will stress the safety
factor of ememergency vehicles
not having access to the access due to all
the vendor vehicles parked
between our layout and the midway.
Pres. Kepner reported the Lezzer
Lumber has already donted about $500.00
worth of materials. He said that
they have agreed donate whatever other
materials we need to finish the
roof on the trailer.
Sec. Hiltz reported a change in
dates for the next two meetings. The new
dates are:
Sep. 28, 1998
Oct. 26, 1998
Next month, Activities Chairman,
Kevin Kohler, tentatively has Scott Bowse
of the Central Pa Chapter of the
NHRS as guest speaker.
Old Business:
Bob Soars provided an update on
the Muncy Historical Society efforts to
obtain the building on S. Market
St. in Muncy. The building has been
deemed not feasible to
rehabilitate. The Society is searching for grant
money to purchase and repair
this building. They had offered us the entire
third floor if they could
eventually own the building.
A discussion was held on the
motion from last December's meeting for a new
Post Office box. Since we are
not really settled in a building of our own,
it was decided that a new box
number at this time would probably cause some
confusion. So the matter has
been placed on hold until sometime in the
Chuck Koch will order ground
foam for making trees from Steve Kepner. On
Sep. 12, 1998, Ron Gardner and
Chuck will present a seminar on tree making.
On Oct. 3, 1998, Fred Cupp will
present another seminar on making trees.
Both will be at 1:00 p.m. at the
We netted $16.00 from the
The meeting adjourned at 8:30
Following the meeting, Kevin
Kohler presented a slide show of a recent trip
in the mid-west. It featured the
Burlington Northern & Santa Fe roads. He
also had some shots of the West
Shore Line in Lewisburg. He had many
slides and lots of information.
Thanks for a good job, Kevin!!!
Members Offerings:
For those who forgot, we had a
tree-making seminar scheduled for Saturday,
Sep. 12, 1998. It appears that
the only one to remember was Chuck Koch and
he was very lonely waiting for
every- anyone to show up. Ron says it will
be held immediately after the
meeting on the 28th.
>From Jim Ingram:
The following show dates are
from the 'Track2 RailNet' at internet site
You can view the complete
descriptions by using the internet connection at
your local library, if you do
not yet have your own connection.
((The complete show descriptions
are on the internet. The list of shows
which appears below, is linked
on the internet page to the descriptions.
The descriptions are presented
on the internet organized by county. Hence
we could not copy the complete
descriptions into this newsletter in any
sort of usable order, without a
lot of re-organizing.))
Sun Aug 23, Milton, NRHS, 23rd
Annual Train Meet
Sat-Sun Sept 19-20, Lebanon,
Greenberg's Great Train, Dollhouse, and Toy Show
Sun Sept 20, Mansfield,
Mansfield Model Train Show
Sat Sept 26, Boalsburg, Middle
Div N-Trak, Display at United Church of Christ
Sun Sept 27, Williamsport,
Rails-2-Savings Model Train Show
Sun Oct 11, Lock Haven, Clinton
Central, Annual Fall Train Meet
(tentative event) Sat-Sun, Oct
24-25, Shamokin, Lower Anthracite, Open
House. This event is tentative
(but likely), because it depends on the
running of a local excursion
Sun Oct 25, Scranton, Scranton
Model Train Show
Sun Nov 8, Altoona, Altoona Area
Train Collectors, Annual Fall Train
Fri-Sat, Dec 4-5, 11-12, 18-19,
Shamokin, Lower Anthracite, Annual Open
Sun Dec 6, Williamsport, Whistle
Stop Train Show
Sat-Sun, Dec 12-13,
Williamsport, Lycoming Cty Hist. Soc., 8th Annual Toy
Train Expo
Sat-Sun, Dec 12-13, Bellefonte,
Nittany Valley, Open House
Sun Dec 13, Altoona, Altoona
Area Train Collectors, Christmas Train Meet
(tentative Dec sometime maybe)
Muncy, Williamsport & North Branch, Module
Display at Lycoming Mall
(anybody got a crystal ball?)
(tentative dates) Dec ??18 -30th
tbd, State College, Middle Div N-Trak,
Holiday Display at Schlow
Library. These dates will be firmed up end of
November when Library finalizes
their Xmas schedule.
September 1998
Subject: Newsletter and
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 20:37:11
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
To: rsoars@, CKoch99834@,
jingram@, playwisyou@,
rong@, rkunst@, S0J3D5@,
The September meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad,
Historical Society was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. on 9/28/98 at the
Hughesville Public Library by
Pres. Steve Kepner.
Present were:
Steve Kepner, Ron Gardner,
Rollie Bartlow, Tom Martino, Lenny Hiltz, Roy
Kunst, Fred Cupp, Jay Ingraham,
Bob Soars, Kevin Kohler and Jim Ingram.
With us this evening was Scott
Browse from the Central Pennsylvania Chapter
of the NHRS. With Scott was his
son Andrew.
Treasurer Ron Gardner reported a
checkbook balance of $2,725. He has
received a check from Greco's
Market and has two signs outstanding.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
The tree seminar that was
scheduled for Oct. 3, 1998 will be held the next
meeting night, Oct. 26, 1998
after the meeting. It seems that everyone
forgot about it except Chuck
We received no report about
about our rent at the fairgrounds, presumably,
because the Fair people were at
the Bloomsburg Fair.
The insulation for the roof is
in and must be picked up. Jim Ingram will
be calling members to schedule a
workday(s) to install the roof. We shall
need 5-6 people. Steve reported
that Worthington Trailers donated some
facia for the new
Bob Soars reported that Oliver
Sones has purchased the former Bubb Farm and
is interested in having us move
in to the facility. It is on the road from
Muncy to the Lycoming Mall,
right behing Tom's Beverage.
PP&L sent us an application
for the "choice program." For the amount of
electricity we use, it was
decided not to designate a provider.
Ron Gardner received a note with
some pictures from E. Henry Hinrichs, Jr.
who visited our August meeting.
Enclosed with the note were pictures. Of
note were two photos of a
section house between Sonestown and Nordmont.
This is of special interest to
us since we are trying to determine the
colors to paint the weigh
station. Many thanks to Mr. Hinrichs for his
thoughtfulness. His address is:
E. Henry Hinrichs, Jr, 2111 Chapel Valley
Lane, Timonium, Md 21093-2937.
His e-mail address is:
Pres. Kepner read a letter
received from Charles Eisengrein. Mr.
Eisengrein had talked to several
members while at the Fair this year. He
had known Alex Landesco and had
some pictures of the trailer in Moorestown,
NJ. However, in his letter, he
explained that he could not find the
pictures, but would like the
Society to hold a meeting at this house
in Dushore. He would like to
show us some movies of various "Reading Rail
Rambles" from the early '60's
featuring steam power, 2100 series
locomotives including some
double headers. After some discussion, it was
decided that we could not make
an October date, but would try for sometime
in November, probably a
The drawing netted the Society
The meeting adjourned at
After the meeting, Scott Browse
presented an excellent slide show featuring
scenes from all over this area
Jersey Shore, the Newberry
Yards, Muncy, Blue Hill(Sunbury), Watsontown,
Dewart, Montgomery, Milton,
Lewisburg, the Enola yards and some shots from
the East Broadtop RR. It was an
interesting show and the Society would
like very much to thank Scott
for taking his time for this presentation.
Thanks, too, to Kevin Kohler for
scheduling Scott.
At the October meeting, we must
appoint a nominating committee for
elections in November. Please,
let us not forget....
Also we should have our first
discussions for the Mall Show, including how
we shall keep track of money,
work scheduling, etc.
A letter has been written to
Charles Eisengrein stating that we would like
to meet with him on November 21.
This is the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Roy Kunst has a new e-mail
Tom Martino's e-mail address
If any members have received new
addresses due to the county 911
initiative, please get your new
address to Lenny or Ron.
-From Jim Ingram/Steve
For more details, contact Steve
Kepner @ 717-584-4117 Steve's speeder holds
3 people in addition to himself;
you can purchase a ticket for one of these
seats if any are still
Sat Oct 31 -- Baltimore to York,
(3 seats left )
About the October 31 trip -
(following copied from the brochure)
" The Northern Central Railcar
Association invites you for a mtor car ride
on the historic Northern Central
Railway. Ride one of the oldest lines in
the United States." "Completed
from Baltimore MD to York PA in 1838, the
line contains the second oldest
active railroad tunnel in the United
States. In 1863, President
Abraham Lincoln rode part of the line on
his way to deliver his famous
'Gettysburg Address'"
Sat Nov 7 -- Gettysburg to
Hunter Run (S. of Mount Holly), (3 seats left)
About the Nov 7 trip -
(following copied from the brochure) "The North
Central Railcar Association
invites you for a motor car ride on the
Historic Gettysburg Railway on
Saturday, November 7th, 1998"
"First time ever! Ride the
historic Gettysburg Railway from Gettysburg, PA
to Hunters Run (just south of
Mount Holley Springs, PA) and return. Travel
through part of the Gettysburg
National Military Park, where the North and
South fought one of the most
pivotal battles of the Civil War. See the
orchards and beautiful scenery
of Adams County, some of the best in South
Central Pennsylvania. Imagine
the famous Iron Horse rambles that once ran
on this famous Reading Railroad
branchiline. 50 mile round trip."
>From Fred "Screaming
Flanges" Cupp- our favorite web surfer....
Juniata has secured some
painting business from General Electric.
Reportedly, seven C44-9W's will
be shipped to Altoona for full BNSF paint
and lettering. The 4883, the
first such unit was in the paint shop
yesterday, fully lettered and
ready to go. Currently, SD70(DC)'s 2575-2580
are on the shop floor and under
production. The 2575 should be set to go
sometime this week. Upon
completion of the SD70(DC)'s, work will begin on
the BNSF SD70MAC order. Many of
the components and cabs are on hand for
the assembly work. Confirmation
from Juniata sources yesterday, indicate
that upon completion of the BNSF
C44-9W painting, Conrail E8A 4020 will
enter the shop for the maroon
and gold paint. The also confirmed that CSXT
has sent diagrams and
instructions for the painting of 4022 and 4021! The
CSXT painting is to take place
after the 4020 is completed. They indicated
no time line on the
How would you like to stand in
the middle of a real 1920's era caboose,
fully restored? Just imagine as
you slowly turned around in a circle,
what you might see. Well, why
imagine! Just point your browser at the
following URL. The directions
are there, but to get the motion, you must
put the cursor in the field of
the picture and move it to get the action.
This is really cool.
Now for the diesel afficianodos
amongst us, here is a site which
specializes in exotic diesel
locos, apparently on the eastern part of the
US. This URL is:
Another item which may be of
interest to photogs, if they have Tuesdays off!
Tuesday October 20th....NS and
CP will run a special passenger train for
Company officials and invited
guests from Harrisburg to Scranton. Purpose
is to open the "new" Bridge
Line, i.e., the Sunbury Main. Train to depart
Harrisburg at 8 to 8:30 am and
arrive Scranton at 1. Train will tie up at
the Lackawanna Radisson Station
The old address for the National
Militant Railfan Organization has been
changed. Please update your
records to show the following:
Word has been received from
Charlie Eisengrein that he is "delighted" to
host a meeting at his house on
21, 1998. We must discuss this
at our next meeting, and finalize our plans.
Talked to Jim Ingram, he is
attempting to have our next monthly meeting
(Oct. 26) put in the Sun Gazette
in the listing
for Regional happenings. That's
playing "head-up" ball!!!! Thanks, Jim....
October 1998
Subject: Newsletter
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 21:25:35
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
Next Meeting: 11/21/1998, 2:00
At the home of
Charlie Eisengrein
Dushore, Pa
Leave Fireman's Cove
Rt 220N Hughesville @ 12:45
Next Month:
The October meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad, Historical
Society was called to order at
7:40 p.m. on 10/26/98 at the Hughesville
Public Library by Vice Pres.
Chuck Koch.
Present were: Chuck Koch, Jerry
Ohmneiss, Charley Applegate, Tom Martino,
Ron Gardner, Jay Ingraham, Fred
Cupp, Kevin Kohler, Jim Ingram, Roy Kunst,
and special guest Ryan
A motion was made to skip the
reading of the September minutes because
everyone present had already
read them and aprroved them. This was then
The tresurer's report showed a
checkbook balance of approximatly $2950.00
VP Chuck Koch informed everyone
that the roof project is complete. It was
inquired as to weather the roof
had been sealed around the chimney.
New Business:
There was some discussion on
forming a nominating committee for the
November elections. It was
motioned by Fred Cupp that no nominating
committee be formed due to the
fact that the consensus was to re-elect all
present officers to another
term. This was seconded by Ron, and all were
found to be in
It was discussed as to how to
arrange a meeting at Charlie Eisengrein's
house. It was determined that we
need directions to his house, what time
should the meeting be, should we
all meet at one location, and leave from
there, etc...
Kevin Kohler, Meeting Activities
Director, suggested that we have a show
and tell night. All members
could bring in and display their models,
structures, memorablia, etc...
This would permit members to better know
fellow members' collections and
interests. The program will probably begin
at the January
Ron Gardner proposed a members
Chrismas Party. Kevin Kohler said that he
could bring a video for all to
enjoy. Kevn also said that he will look into
getting a room at Buckeye's This
may end up being an after Christmas party
if many places are already
booked. It was then mentioned by Ron and
seconded by Roy that this be put
off until after Christmas due to the fact
that this is a very busy time of
year for everyone.
Concerning the mall show: It was
determined that we will sell raffle
tickets. We should use last
years tickets, and if more need printed up, we
should keep them the same color.
The Mall dates are generally not known
until late in November. Steve is
to find out the dates for the show, and
obtain the train sets for the
raffle ticket winners. Activities director
Jim Ingram will schedule workers
for the Mall display. Kevin Kohler
proposed a TV and VCR be used at
the show featuring the trailer layout.
Kevin will look into the
feasability of filming this, and putting it on
tape. It was mentioned by Jim
Ingram that we should have
Society(business-type) cards to
hand out. We do have Blacklight Rail 'N
Spike cards available. There has
been no new word from Oliver Sones on the
Farm Heritage
The meeting was adjourned at
Following the meeting Ron ,
Chuck, and Fred gave tree making seminars. Ron
showed poly-fiber tree making,
and trees made out of 'Seedum. Chuck showed
us how to quickly and easily
make trees utilizing dried lilac flowers.
Fred showed us how to make very
convincing trees out of wild catnip,
goldenrod, and some other
plants. This was appreciated by all members.
Thanks to Ron, Chuck, and
for their time and
Tom Martino
Acting Secretary
I have checked with Charlie
Eisengrein and found that he is anxiously
awaiting our arrival. I
confirmed that we shall meet at his house at 2:00
p.m. on Nov. 21, 1998. Charlie
says it takes about 50 minutes to get
to his house. I have tentatively
set a leaving time of 12:45 p.m. on the
21st. Since we are going up
Route 220N, a good place to meet would be
Fireman's Cove Restaurant
parking lot. It is on 220N just after you
make a left turn when you enter
Hughesville from Hall's Station. Any
questions as to where this is
can be directed to Steve, Ron or Lenny.
I told Charlie to expect 10-15
people and he said that was fine. So, mark
your calendars; let's have a
good turnout for this event....
-Lenny Hiltz,
This month's Newsletter is kind
of skimpy. I've been working a lot of long
days and forgot about the
Newsletter. Thanks to Ron G. and Jim I. for the
reminders. And thanks to Tom M.
for taking excellent notes last meeting.
For all Railfans, on the front
page of section D of the Sun Gazette of
Sunday, 11/08/98, there was an
article entitled, "Officials Exploring
Potential of Growing Area Rail
Service." Among other things, it talks
about Norfolk Southern's upgrade
of the Buffalo Main Line that runs from
Harrisburg to Buffalo, NY
through Montgomery, S. Williamsport, McElhattan
and Lock Haven. If all goes
well, we should be seeing more rail traffic
through this area.
Ron reports that he was at the
trailer last week and that the furnace is
now running and making heat. So
we can now begin working anytime.
November 1998
Subject: Nov.
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 22:01:59
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
Below is the Newsletter for Nov.
1998. Next meeting Monday, 12/21/98!!!
The November meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad,
Historical Society was called to
order at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 23, 1998 at the
Hughesville Public Library by
Pres. Steve Kepner.
Present were:
Steve Kepner, Ron Gardner, Chuck
Koch, Fred Cupp, Jay Ingraham, Lenny Hiltz
and Roy Kunst.
The Treasurer reported $2,956.00
in the checkbook.
The Secretary's report was
approved as printed.
New Business:
No word on the Society
activities at the Lycoming Mall this season. Pres.
Kepner contacted the Mall office
today, but has not received a return call
as of the meeting. He will keep
after the Mall and will order 3 train sets
for the raffle. It was reported
that all store fronts are filled this year.
For this year's raffle, Bob
Soars has presented the Society with a new
option. English's Model Railroad
Supply will sell us, at a considerable
discount, a ready-to-run Bowser
PRR K-4 Pacific steam locomotive, for the
raffle. After some discussion,
it was decided to ask Bob to check with
English's to see if we they
would hold this locomotive until the prize
drawing. If the First Prize
winner chooses the Bowser, we can then pay for
it and pick it up. If the winner
chooses a train set, the Society will not
have spent the money. If the
steam locomotive is chosen, the remaining
train set can be saved for a
later raffle/giveaway. Lenny will contact Bob.
We still have not heard anything
from the Lycoming County Fair Assn. folks
about our back rent. Pres.
Kepner will contact them again.
A discussion was held as to
whether we should consider moving the layout to
the Hughesville Carnival
grounds. The general feeling wa in the negative,
but further discussion will be
held as the Fair rent issues are
Lenny had talked to Dr. Henry
Hinrichs recently. Dr. Hinrichs reported
that he knows a Mr. John D.
Denny of Columbia, Pa who is a W&NB enthusiast.
Lenny will write Mr. Denny a
letter of introduction and see if he is
interested in meeting with us.
The meeting was adjourned at
8:10 p.m.
Chuck Koch won the Branchline
Trains Lehigh Valley 50' boxcar. The Society
netted $5.00 from the raffle.
At the Dec. 21, 1998 meeting,
Fred Cupp "will be having a show on trolleys,
with about 90 or so slides of
trolleys in the 40's in Wisconsin, Illinois
and Iowa. The real "piece de
resistance" will be a collection of 25 or so
slides copied from a book, "West
Branch Trolleys In Lycoming and Clinton
Counties." Only the ones on
Williamsport and the immediate area will be
included. I will probably "cull"
it down to
a single 100 slide carousel. In
deference to some who may have to leave
early, I will put the local
stuff first." -from Fred's e-mail...
E-Mail from Jim Ingram states
that he has sent an announcement to the Sun
Gazette of our next meeting that
includes a note about Fred's resentation.
The last time he tried to get an
announcement, they did not list the time
or contact phone number.
Hopefully, they will do better this time.
-Thanks Jim!
See you Monday
December 1998
Subject: Newsletter
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:48:17
From: "Leonard W. Hiltz"
Below is the December
Minutes/January Newsletter. The next meeting is Jan.
18, 1999 at 7:30
The December meeting of the
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad,
Historical Society was called to
order at 7:30
p.m. on 12/21/98 at the
Hughesville Public Library by Pres. Steve Kepner.
Present were J. Ohmneiss, C.
Applegate, C. Koch, T. Martino, S. Kepner, L.
Hiltz, J. Ingram, R. Kunst, F.
Cupp, J.
Ingraham, R. Gardner.
The Secretary's report was
The Treasurer reported $593.30
taken in at the Mall. The checkbook balance
is $3,558.72 with an additional
$114.00 received at this meeting. Tickets
for the Train raffle cost
$102.03 and the train sets cost $180.00.
Concerning the raffle, Bob Soars
will donate the Bowser K-4 Pacific
Locomotive to the Society if it
is chosen by the 1st Prize winner as the
1st prize. If the 1st Prize
winner chooses a train set then the Society
will pay Bob $125.00, the cost
of the locomotive. This a very generous
donation. Thank you, Bob.
No word has been received from
the Fairgrounds about rent for the layout.
Pres. Kepner reported on the
Copper Canyon Speeder Trip scheduled for
October 19 - 28, 1999. Trippers
will travel through 87 tunnels over 710
miles. The price includes hotel
accomodations. Last year's trip cost
about $2200. Prices are not yet
available for this year's trip. Steve
will keep us posted.
Jim Ingram won a Pennsylvania
Overton Coach by Model Die Casting in the
monthly drawing. The Society
netted $16.00 from the drawing.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00
Following the meeting, Fred Cupp
presented a slide show featuring Trolleys
Þ Williamsport in the
early 1900's
Þ the Waterloo Cedar Falls
& Northern Ry
Þ the Cedar Rapids &
Iowa City Ry
Þ the Milwaukee Electric
Þ the Ft. Dodge Des Moines
& Southern Ry
Þ the Kansas City Public
Þ the Chicago Aurora &
Elgin Ry
Þ and from Cicero, Il
Fred had to suffer through the
usual harassment (good natured only) from
our members, but everyone
enjoyed his show, as always. Thanks Fred, for
another good show.
1999 Meeting Dates
January 18
February 22
March 22
April 19
May 24
June 21
July 12 **
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 13
** May be changed because of
Fair Dates
All dates confirmed with the
Hughesville Library Librarian prior to the
December 1998 meeting.
Headin' out in
What are we trying to accomplish
as The W & NB RR Historical Society? Can
we show some progress towards
reaching our goals in 1999? What are our
goals, long- and short-term?
What can we do to attract new members? What
have we done that would make
someone want to join? How many of our
members have layouts in their
homes? How many have the space and would
like to have a home layout? How
many would like to have an operating
session or a work night in their
homes with the session open to the whole
Would anyone like to have a
Society social (dinner-out type of thing) once
in a while that our
spouses/girlfriends could attend? How often, where,
what time? Does anyone know of a
space large enough for us to set up our
modules on a permanent or
semi-permanent basis so that we can work on them
throughout the year? Do we meet
often enough? Would it be beneficial to
schedule some work sessions at
the trailer or in a member's home between
meetings? Is it cost effective
and/or practical to have work sessions
during the winter, due to
weather/cold problems???
These are just a few questions.
Can we seriously discuss them at our
meeting on Jan. 18, 1999?
I have asked the son of the
owner of Raytown, on Park Ave, if they have any
space available for our use. I
didn't give him any space requirements and
told him that if the space could
be donated, it would suit us best, because
we are pretty much broke.
However, if there is a charge, how much? He
said he would contact my wife
after he talks to his Dad. I'll give you any
info I have at the meeting.
Revisions To This Page:
1. 11/12/98 --Newsletter page
created. // 2. 3/13/99-website moved to www.trainweb.org/wnb.
Added Nov & Dec. // 7/21/99-minor. //