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Riverside-La Sierra Metrolink Station City Profile:

Riverside-La Sierra Metrolink Station City Profile:


Restroom: Yes, Portable Unit located at one end of parking lot.


Address: 10901 Indiana Avenue


City Code (for use with the OCTAGO Text4Next System): LAS

Interaction Entry Examples:

91 Line: Train LAS LAX displays the next three trains operating between Riverside La Sierra and Los Angeles.

Inland Empire-Orange County Line:

Train LAS IRV displays the next three trains operatimg between Riverside-La Sierra and Irvine.


Station Overpass: Closed on weekends, all weekend trains will arrive and depart on track 2.


ROUTE 15 - East - Riverside Terminal

Weekdays: 7:08am to 7:49pm

Weekends: Two Trips departing at 5:23pm and 6:30pm.


Route 15 - West - To Pierce and Sterling

Weekdays: 5:01am to 5:47pm

Weekends: Two trips departing at 7:46am and 8:37am.


Route 794 - West - Costa Mesa



Weekdays: 5:08am to 7:32am