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Delaware Otsego Delaware Otsego


(505-509-UP7007 owned by CSX after takeover)

on the cars below, the first link is to a photo, the second is to history for the car

501 ATSF 513 (sold to Holland America) {Phil Dohmen}
502 ATSF 553 (sold to Holland America) {Phil Dohmen}
503 ATSF 508 (sold to Holland America) {Phil Dohmen}
504 ATSF 554 (sold to Holland America) {Phil Dohmen}
505 CBQ 360 "Great Sacandaga"(sold to Mike Abernethy) {Phil Dohmen}
509 UP 9002 "Popemobile"(theater car) {Jeff Lubchansky}
902 UP 9002 (renumbered - see Auto Train 509)
---- ATSF 509 (sold to Holland America) {Tom Bedwell}
---- ATSF 510 (sold to Holland America) {John Combs}
---- ATSF 512 (sold to Holland America) {Phil Dohmen}
---- ATSF 555 (destroyed in fire) {Phil Dohmen}
---- UP 7007 (sold to Northern Railcar) {Phil Dohmen}

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