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September 2004, Week 5 Monday, September 27, 2004

    Ran a freight and a mixed train yesterday, and pretty much cleared out the Cassville Yard.  Definately need at least three mor eboxes.  Don;t want  the yards plugged, but then again I don;t want them to look abandoned either.  Have decided that Collery Yard is integral with Anns Creek.  No8 really isn;t suitable for industrial switching, so mixed train cars for Anns Creek will be dropped in Collerey Yard.  Passenger cars, and Cars for the freighthouse is all No8 will take to Anns Creek, then it gos to the TT lead to get the heck outta the way!
    Got some track in the Anns Creek area to bring up to snuff, Course I've not really paid much attention to it  since Spring.  I might have to put No6 out there as the switcher.  I really need another smaller Shay.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

    Yesterday was actually a pretty good day!  The big deal was that I cleaned The Shop up and stowed all the tools and such.  Now I got room to work in there again.  Did a few car repairs that neded doing, and returned the cars to the layout.

    I also came across some abandoned PVC pipe that I cut up, glued together, and painted it to make a nice pipeload.  Need to saw up some lumber for flatcar loads coming from the sawmill.  Might take some time with the tablesaw later this afternoon.

    Going to start a program of updating all the ground throws to the new switchstand design.  Nothing ambitious, one or two a week as I can or as the old ones need maintenance.  can build 'em on the bench as I putter with other stuff, waiting for glue to dry and sech.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

    Finally got some time in with the tablesaw yesterday.  Got enough timber for 6 chasis cut, plus standard gauge crossties for flatcar roads.  Also cut up a pile of 1/4 stock for the next batch of boxcars.  Started building flatcar loads, 7" long ties on a 21" long flatcar not quite long enough for three piles, and since the flats only have 5 pockets, I made two piles at each end, centered over the trucks.  Piles are 8 ties high and as wid as the flats.  Only the bottom and top ties are full length, the ends are only short chunks making th loads hollow and stretching out the wood supply

    Been having some thoughts on Operations again.  Thinking perhaps I'll use Collery Yard as a freight Yard and treat the Timesavere as an Industrial Spur.  Thus Collery Yard is the Distant Terminus.  Can station No7 thre and it can run the branchline trains out to the oilfield and back.  Instead of having a tipple complex over collery yard, I think I will build a coaling pocket on th side similar to the Clifftop Strip Tipple on the Manns Creek RR.  Perhaps I'll extend the branchline to another Mine location later.