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The Great Wreck of '22

Ulster & Delaware Railroad
"The Only All Rail Route Through the Catskills"

The Great Wreck of 1922
Just South of Grand Gorge, NY - May 26, 1922


Coroner's Report from the Delaware County Board of Supervisors books.

On May 26, 1922 I was called to the scene of a railroad wreck on the Ulster and Delaware Railroad one mile east of Grand Gorge Station. There were six workmen killed instantly. William Lafferty, Fred Borst, Floyd Chase, Fred Louden, Ora Worth, and Abe Johnson. The wreck was carefully investigated and on May 31, 1922 assisted by District Attorney O'Connor, held a joint inquest at Hobart, NY at the conclusion of which I gave my decision that the deaths of these men were accidental and occurred in the railroad wreck referred to above, and that said wreck was caused by the misinterpretation of the orders by the crew of one of the trains involved, namely Extra Work Train No.21

All photos from the collection of P.M. Goldstein.


Head Back to the Station!