When Milwaukee transit fans refer to The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co., they usually use the abbreviated initials TM, and they usually include TMER&L and its subsidiaries and successors.... Milwaukee Light, Heat & Traction (MLH&T), The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Transport Co. (TMER&T), Wisconsin Motor Bus Lines (WMBL) and The Milwaukee & Suburban Transport Co. (M&ST) The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. was the largest electric railway and electric utility system in Wisconsin. It combined several of the earlier horsecar, steam dummy and streetcars lines into one system. It's Milwaukee streetcar lines soon ran on most major streets and served most areas of the city. Its interurban lines reached throughout southeastern Wisconsin. They also operated the streetcar lines in Appleton, Kenosha and Racine as well as doing their own switching operations at the Port Washington and Lakeside power plants. TM operated its own shops, which could repair, rebuild or build complete streetcars, interurbans and freight locos. They also designed many innovations, such as an articulated three-truck train. The first electric streetcar in Milwaukee operated on Wells Street April 3, 1890. The last streetcar in Milwaukee (and Wisconsin) operated on Wells Street on March 2, 1958. The first interurban ran between Milwaukee and Kenosha on June 1, 1897. Other lines soon reached out to Watertown, Burlington and East Troy. In 1922 TM acquired the Milwaukee Northern Railway and added their Milwaukee to Sheboygan interurban line to the system. During the depression, streetcar and interurban lines began to be cut back, replaced with buses, abandoned or sold. Abandonments ceased during WWII, when gas and tires were rationed, and defense workers needed transportation. After the war, riders returned to their autos and abandonments resumed. The last two remnants of interurban lines were to Hales Corners and Waukesha. They closed out their days being operated in Rapid Transit service by Speedrail until June 30, 1951. Electric locos continued operating at the power plants until the early 1970's. A complete history, or even a comprehensive list of historical highlights would be too involved for the purpose of this website. If you are interested in more details, the are several fine books listed on our "Resources" page.
This map shows the TM interurban system after 1922 when the Milwaukee Northern Line was added from Milwaukee to Sheboygan. Plans for the Watertown line to reach Madison, the East Troy line to reach Delevan and Elkhorn, and the Burlington line to reach Lake Geneva were never fulfilled.
Built in 1905, the Public Service Building takes up the block bounded by 2nd, 3rd, Michigan and Everett. It contained the corporate offices as well as interurban terminal. The building has been restored to earlier appearance, including large facsimile doors where the interurbans entered. It remains in use by WE Energies, and is a Wisconsin Historical Landmark. Emblems above the main door reflect its heritage.
Left: Early TMER&L interurbans were built with the unique two front windows as shown in this posed photo in Watertown.
Right: TM's shops rebuilt them into the more traditional style as seen in this photo in Waukesha.
Left: TM pioneered the concept of an articulated two-car three-truck train, first using older streetcars, as seen on Fond Du Lac Ave. crossing Center Street.
Right: A duplex interurban about to enter the Public Service Building from 2nd Street.
In the beginning of interurban operation, they accessed downtown via streetcar lines, mingling with the streetcars, vehicles and pedestrians.
Left: Interubans and streetcars on a busy 3rd Street.
Right: Interuban and streetcar on crowded Clybourn Street.
To eliminate some of the problems, TM began to construct a Rapid Transit line. The first, was for the lines to Watertown, East Troy and Burlington. They already had some private-right-of way from the east edge of Calvary Cemetery west to Hawley Road which included this station (below) for the Cemetery and the National Soldiers Home.
Right: After the station was removed, the ground was leveled. An east bound interurban at what became known as Cemetery Curve. The line was then extended west to 92nd, where it began a curve south to join up with the previous lines. The Route 10 streetcar line joined the Rapid Transit line from the right. This right-of-way and the retaining wall still exist
Left: A single car leads a duplex unit in the cut between Calvary and the Veterans Cemeteries.
Right: A Rt. 10 800 series streetcar rolls along the private right-of-way near Hawley Road on the West Allis branch. Space along the left had been occupied by Rapid Transit tracks.
Most ambitious and expensive part of the Rapid Transit Line was construction from the Cemetery Curve east to 8th Street. It included a bridge over the Menomonee Valley, cut and fill, removal of buildings and building bridges for streets to pass over, a short section of elevated over Hibernia Street and the beginning of a subway, that was to start at 8th Street and end under the Public Service Building.
Above Left: Right of way looking west from 27th Street viaduct. Middle: Looking east towards elevated over Hibernia Street. Above Right: Looking east at the subway entrance under 8th Street. Due to the Depression, the construction only went about one block before the project was cancelled. Trains accessed street trackage to the Public Service Building via a "temporary" ramp. Most of this right-of-way is now occupied by the I-94 freeway and the Marquette Interchange.
Images of TMER&L interurbans in the cities they served can be found on "Wisconsin Trolley Photos Pages".
Click the link below to view TMER&L Streetcars.