In addition to TMER&L's interurban and streetcar operation, they also maintained electric switching operations at their Lakeside and Port Washington Power Plants. After the abandonment of interurban and streetcar operations, these switching operations continued to draw railfans. Operations at Lakeside were by far the most extensive. Carloads of coal were brought in from interchanges with the Chicago & North Western and Milwaukee Road via the Belt Line. It was unloaded from railroad hoppers and stored in huge piles until needed. Electric shovels and cranes reloaded coal into TM hoppers to transport to the rotory dumper. Of special interest was the employee shuttle operated from the Lakeside Plant through the coal yards to Kinnickinnic Ave. This service used a variety of streetcars through the years. Although intended for employees, railfans were usually able to catch a ride. Switching was handled by their fleet of home-built steeplecab locos, but with the demise of the streetcar and interurban lines, many other pieces of equipment found their way to Lakeside. Although seldom, if ever used, they escaped scrapping and were later donated to TWERHS.
LAKESIDE April 15, 1921 - Plant opens. First in world to burn pulverized coal. Soon holds world record for efficiency. At first, coal is unloaded from ships at Kinnickinnic River and hauled through streets to Lakeside. Connection is soon made with C&NW near Howard Ave. Because few employees own autos, a shuttle service runs between power plant and streetcar line on Kinnickinnic Ave. Variety of cars used through the years. 1925 - Generating 86% of electricity for TMER&L. 1931 - Work begins on Lakeside Beltline railroad intended as freight by-pass for traffic between Milwaukee, Racine and Kenosha, as well as bringing in coal. Built with minimum of grade crossings. April 17, 1932 - Beltline opens from coal yards west to Rapid Transit Line near 100th and Howard Ave. Also connects with C&NW, the M-R-K interurban line and the Milwaukee Road at Powerton Jct. 1950's - With end of Rapid Transit service, Belt Line abandoned west of Powerton Jct. E-Z Paintr is the last industry on line. May 8, 1961 - Shuttle service discontinued. 1969 - Lakeside converted to natural gas. Tracks from scales west sold to C&NW. Used to store bad-order cars waiting repairs at Cudahy shops. Surplus equipment, track and wire donated to TWERHS and moved to East Troy. Loco L-9 remains to shuttle supplies. 1970's - Natural gas shortage causes Lakeside to bring in tank cars of fuel oil. L-10 returned from East Troy to assist L-9. 1976 - CNW removes track connection. L-9, L-10 M-26 and portable substation stranded. 1979 - Army Corps moves L-9 to East Troy on trucks as part of training. 1984 - L-10, M-26 and portable sub sold to IRM and moved to Union, IL.
PORT WASHINGTON Sept. 1, 1935 - Power Plant opens. Rail connection made to TMER&L Milwaukee-Sheboygan line (former Milwaukee Northern Rwy.) Interchange made with C&NW. Most coal brought in by ship. Locos mostly used to shuttle cars within plant and bring in supplies from C&NW. Sept. 23, 1940 - Passenger service discontinued between Sheboygan and Port Washington. Mar. 29, 1948 - Passenger service discontinued between Milwaukee and Port Washington. Portion of line between power plant and CNW remains for hauling power plant supples. 1976 - Electric freight operation ends. Track, wire and equipment donated to TWERHS.
L-8 at Port Washington. TM built its own locos. No two were exactly alike. L-8 was the largest.
L-8 with hoppers on coal dock at Port Washington
Reddy Kilowatt, the symbol of several electric companies, was featured in this emblem from the locos
L-3 in WEPCO green in the Lakeside coal yard. It is operating on a "stinger" cable
Merchandise car M-1 on Port Washington Power Plant line.
A well-kept, L-10 in TMER&L drab olive sits in the Lakeside Power Plant yard.
Sweeper B-48 was among equipment moved to Lakeside after end of streetcar service.
L-9 in WEPCO green waits for an assignment in the Lakeside yard.
Left: Car 523 crossing Lake Drive was one of several streetcars assigned to the Lakeside shuttle through the years.
Right: Car 882 heading through the yard was the last in shuttle service.