Once part of TMER&L's interurban line connecting East Troy to Milwaukee, the seven-mile segment from East Troy to Mukwonago is the last remnant of Wisconsin's network of interurban lines. It has been continuously electrically operated since 1907.
Historical Highlights June 1903 - Line opens from Milwaukee to Hales Corners. Constructed by Milwaukee Light, Heat & Traction (MLH&T) a subsidiary of The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co. (TMER&L). June 21, 1904 - Operation extended to St. Martin's. This will become the junction for the East Troy and Burlington branches. Sept. 1, 1904 - Cars now operating from Milwaukee to Muskego Centre. 1906 - Service extended to Big Bend. July 3, 1907 - Line officially opens Milwaukee to Mukwonago. October 23, 1907 - Service now provided as far as Lake Beulah. Dec. 13, 1907- Line officially opens Milwaukee to East Troy. John I. Beggs, President of TMER&L arrives on first car. April 1, 1910 - New East Troy substation building finished and equipment turned on. Rotory converters supply power to the line at 1200v dc. Dec. 1, 1915 - Freight and express service begins. 1919 - United Milk Products builds condenser plant next to East Troy Lumber. Equity Feed & Fuel build new facility along track. April 23, 1923 - New Mukwonago freight and passenger station opens. June 24, 1924 - East Troy station remodeled. Agents living quarters moved upstairs, waiting room enlarged. November 1925 - Standard Oil constructs three large storage tanks west of Division Street. 1927 - New substations built along line, power changed from 1200v dc to 600v dc. Trainshed built adjacent to East Troy station to provide shelter for interurban and bus passengers. Oct. 31, 1938 - TMER&L becomes WEPCO. TMER&T formed to take over transit operations. Aug. 5, 1939 - After being modified at Cold Spring Shops, M-15 leaves express terminal for East Troy. Aug. 12, 1939 - Passenger operations abandoned between Hales Corners and East Troy. Portion of line from East Troy to Mukwonago purchased by Village of East Troy for $10,000 to maintain freight connection to SOO Line. Line is operated by TMER&T under contract using former TMER&T M-15 and D-13. The 10-year agreement officially begins Jan. 1, 1940. Sept. 5, 1939 - End of freight service east of Mukwonago. Jan. 1, 1950 - TMER&T turns over operation to Village. Village hires own crew. 1954- Following derailment of M-15 and box cars, SOO Line crews replace many ties in "Cemetery Curve". 1966 - Jerry Fischer citing railroad losing money and being supported by taxpayers, proposes to purchase and operate railroad for $12,000. When Village Board turns him down, he forces a referendum, but the voters also reject his plan. 1969 - Trent Tube builds new plant and Village builds new spur. Rather than electrify the spur, they purchase a 44-ton diesel. 1972 - TWERHS enters into contract with Village allowing operation of its "East Troy Trolley Museum" trains. TWERHS members begin replacement of ties bringing line up to FRA standards, and take over maintenance of rotory converter and overhead wire system. 1970's- CETA program replaces hundreds of ties with ties and tie-plates supplied by TWERHS. 1975 - Entire line designated a Wisconsin Landmark. Marker commemorates TMER&L history. 1979-1980 - $700,000 Government funded major rebuilding of line includes replacement of ties, rail joints and ballasting. Bridges at Phantom Woods Rd. and Beach Rd. are replaced, bridge at Stewart School Rd. is removed. 1980 - Village purchases an used 80-ton diesel, and sells 44-ton diesel. 1983 - Village adds more trackage in industrial park. 1984- Village cancels contract with TWERHS and forces museum to close. 1985 - Operation of railroad turned over to Paul Averdung. He opens his "East Troy Electric Railroad Museum", using his own equipment. 1986 - TWERHS sells all its equipment to other museums. ?? - Diesel sold, line returns to electric freight operation. Jan. 1995 - Friends of East Troy Railroad purchase line from Paul Averdung. 1995-1996 - Line rebuilt again. Original parallel rail joints are staggered for smoother operation. 2000 - Friends purchase final lot of museum equipment from Averdung. Dec. 13, 2007 - Line is 100 years old. Has been continuously operated electrically.
Early postcard view. The house on the left would become the station. Waiting room downstairs, living quarters an second floor.
1927 shed erected to shelter riders on the interurbans and connecting motor bus lines. Although passenger service ended in 1939, the shed remained into the 1960's.
Substation, based on Egyption design built in 1910 to provide power to the railroad now serves as the depot for the museum.
TMER&L M-15 fitted with platform for overhead line work hauls the freight.
Differential Dump D-13 served as backup and snow plow.
This was the condition of the track in the early 1970's. Note the line was built without tie plates, and the rails have actually sunk through the ties, and are supported only by the edges of the ties and dirt. Also of interest, the line was built with parallel rail joints instead of the more common staggered joints. Replacement of ties and addition of tie plates by TWERHS and subsequent re-buildings (including staggering the rail joints) have brought the line up to modern day standards.
East Troy Trolley Museum - 1972 - 1984
Former North Shore Line interurbans were the main passenger equipment of TWERHS from 1972 to 1984. Usually operated as single cars, they could be combined into 2, 3 or 4 car trains for special occasions. Chicago Transit Authority "L" car 4258 filled in on busy days.
TWERHS collection also included the largest collection of work equipment from a single railroad. (TMER&L) When the museum closed, most was sold to the Illinois Railway Museum, but a few pieces are now in the collection of the East Troy Railroad Museum.
Click here for roster of equipment
Wood body utility crane L-6 now at East Troy
Loco L-8 now at East Troy
Loco L-9 was modified and painted to serve as the loco for East Troy Railroad
Wood body Line car D-23 is over 100 years old and still operational at East Troy
Loco L-4 among equipment now at the Illinois Railway Museum
East Troy Railroad Museum - 1986 - Present
Various CTA cars, a Duluth streetcar, a vintage wood Sheboygan interurban, a Milwaukee streetcar and South Shore Line cars are among the passenger equipment now operated by the East Troy Railroad Museum.