The Wisconsin Electric Railway Historical Society, Inc. (TWERHS) was incorporated in 1967 as a non-profit, educational, historical society, dedicated to the preservation of electric railway history and promotion of present day electric transit systems. We were perhaps best known for our East Troy Trolley Museum, which we operated from 1972 until forced to close in 1984. Despite our museum closing, we remain a viable and active organization. All functions and activities are carried out by our members who volunteer their time and various talents. Membership is open to anyone interested in supporting our goals and activities.
ARCHIVES Through the years we have acquired hundreds of slides, photos, maps and other documents related to various electric railway systems. These materials provide a source for research and enable us to assist others with books, magazine articles and TV shows. Some of these materials are also used in our public programs and our newsletter.
NEWSLETTER Our newsletter, Wisconsin Electric Lines (LINES) is published six times per year. It contains news, current events and historical information of interest to our members and supporters. While the major focus is on Milwaukee area systems, other systems and topics are often covered. Through the years we have received many compliments for finding and publishing tidbits of interesting information often overlooked by larger publications. All members receive all issues for the current membership year. In addition, new members receive copies of all back issues we may still have on hand. In the interest of sharing information, we also exchange newsletters with other historical societies and rail museums.
PROGRAMS Our members are available to present programs to just about any group including historical organizations, railroad clubs, seniors and scouts. These programs usually feature slide, movies or videos of transit topics, ranging from historic films to current systems or museums.
WEBSITE This website is intended to present a general overview of electric transit in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. There are many other sites that provide in-depth histories and large photo collections. We have links to many of these sites on our "Links" page. Photos used on this site are from our own collection and come from various sources, and used with permission of the owners. However, some have passed through several hands before being acquired and their origin is not always known. We also solicit photos from visitors to this site to enhance our pages. In the event we are using someones photos without proper credit, let us know and we will give credit or remove it. When preparing this site, we made choices: 1. Find a free designer and free host. 2. No annoying pop-up ads. 3. Keep it simple. We thank Trainweb for hosting us, and hope that you patronize their sponsors when possible.
FACEBOOK PAGE We have a Facebook Page that anyone can check. We can post photos, current news, activities, etc. of interest to our members and supporters. Just type "Wisconsin Electric Railway Historical Society" in the Facebook search box.
BOOKS, FILMS & VIDEOS Our collection includes several 8mm and 16mm films. In order to share these with the public, we have transferred some to video tape. Most of these videos were done in-house and were available on a limited basis. We are now in the process of transfering them to DVD and may offer them for sale on-line or post some on "YouTube" to share them with the public.
Our commercially available video, "Riding The Number 10 Line" covers Milwaukee's Route 10 Wells Streetcar Line from downtown to West Allis and Wauwatosa. It was professionally produced as a VHS tape with narration and sound added by "Interurbans Films" and was later marketed by Pentrex. Unfortunately, VHS copies are no longer produced. Copies might still be found at hobby shops, railroad shows or second-hand markets. Pentrex has been purchased by Highball Productions. As of February 2020, Highball Productions was in the process of producing a DVD version of the film. Check our Facebook Page for news of its release.
Limited copies of our first book, "Milwaukee Streetcar Notes" by Doug Krymkowski are still available. This book contains personal recollections and information on the cars, routes and assignments from several noted Milwaukee transit historians. 158 Pages. Over 100 photos. 8 1/2 x 11. Soft-Cover, Comb-bound. If you are interested, send us a note or E-mail for cost and other info.
FAN TRIPS From time to time we sponsor fan trips on various transit systems or to area museums. These trips are open to members, and others are welcome as space permits. Past trips have been made to ride the Chicago Transit Authority subways and elevated lines, to ride the South Shore Line from Chicago to South Bend, to ride the Kenosha Electric Streetcar, to visit the Fox River Trolley Museum and the Illinois Railway Museum. We have also chartered trips on Milwaukee County Transit System buses to tour the city. Check our Facebook Page for any up-coming trips.
SPECIAL PROJECTS Through the years we have been involved with several special projects. Check the "Special Projects" page for details.
OTHER BENEFITS In addition to fan trips, we also sponsor an Annual Dinner, Pizza Parties and other events for members, their families and friends. Members may also purchase items offered from time to time at discounted rates through our concession department. These include items produced by us, as well as books, videos and other items we can purchase wholesale from other sources and pass the saving to our members.
SUPPORT & CONTRIBUTIONS TWERHS is a 501(c)3 corporation. We do not receive any grants or outside funding. Our income is through membership dues, donations, and proceeds from sales of books, videos and other items through our concession department. Donations of materials as well as financial contributions are greatly appreciated, and are tax deductible.
MEMBERSHIPS Our membership year runs concurrent with the calendar year. Membership is open to anyone interested in supporting our goals and activities. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in our programs and activities whenever possible. We have five classes of membership.
Non-Voting - Regular - Membership is $20.00 per year. Non-Voting members receive all benefits and have all rights of membership, except they may not vote nor hold any elected office. All new members must enter as Non-Voting. Upgrade to Voting membership may be considered after one full year as a Non-Voting member.
Non-Voting - Internet - Membership is $10.00 per year. Members in this class have all the rights and benefits of regular Non-Voting, except they do not receive printed issues of the newsletter or notices in the US mail, but will receive PDF versions attached to E-Mails, which they can read on their computer or other devices or print out themselves.
Voting - Membership is $25.00 per year. Voting members receive all benefits and have all rights of membership, and in addition, they have one vote in any matter brought before the membership, and they may hold elective office.
Complimentary - This Non-Voting membership is generally granted to supporters who have not joined, but support us through contributions of materials to our Archives or provide photos and articles for our newsletter.
Honorary - This Non-Voting membership is generally granted to members or supporters that have made a substantial contribution of materials, or in recognition of their many years of outstanding service to our organization or to the transit industry.
How To Join - We are not able to accept memberships on-line at present. If you are interested in joining, you can request an application via E-mail, or write to us at our PO Box number.
We would like to hear your questions, comments or suggestions. You can drop us a note via one of these contacts.
Our Mailing Address Is - TWERHS - PO Box 1926 - Milwaukee, WI 53201 Our E-Mail Address Is - twerhs@yahoo.com