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Appendix A3 Complementary notes
Appendix A3 Complementary notes

For usual locomotive practice

v vb v1 1.9 m3 kg-1

L/D 2 ; F1/F 7; Fb/F 7; W/Wb 3.5; W1/W 0.43; W/Wb 1.5

(Dynamic pressure at throat)/(dynamic pressure at bell mouth(gas)) 2.25

(Dynamic pressure at throat)/(dynamic pressure at blast pipe) 0.185

Recovery in diffuser = 75% of dynamic pressure at throat

d1/df 2.65 (df = equivalent diameter of the 4 nozzles)

df/d1 0.38 ; (F0+F)/F 8; db/d1 1.07 (db = diameter of the bell mouth)

df/db 0.35; db/df 2.8;

(Height of mixing chamber/diameter of mixing chamber) 2.5

(Chimney outlet diameter)/(Throat diameter) 2; Diffuser included angle 12

(Draught at tuy�re plane)/(smokebox draught) 1.4

Specific heat of steam 0.47 cal kg-1 K-1; Specific heat of gas 0.27 cal kg-1 K-1; Specific heat of steam/gas mixture 0.34 cal kg-1 K-1

Steam-gas mixture temperature = 0.5(steam temp. + gas temp.)