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Tubeprune is an unofficial web site for professional railway people working for London Underground and for those interested in the London Underground railway system.  To the Tubeprune Home Page

Index to Pages about Signalling on London Underground

Tubeprune has a series of illustrated pages on LU signalling.  There are descriptions of the various types of signals and signalling used on London Underground with diagrams and photos included throughout.

Automatic Signalling - the basic concepts of the traditional London Underground signalling system.

Semi Automatic Signalling - Detail on controlled signals.

Signalling Types - diagrams and photos of the different signals seen all over London Underground.

Speed Control Signalling - special signalling used to control the speed of trains at critical locations.

Victoria Line ATO - details of the system used on the first automatic railway in the world, including modifications.

Signalling Trainstop Photos - showing examples of the train protection system used on non-ATO lines

Signalling Sequence Photos - showing how signal changes with the passage of a train.

Point Machine Photos - showing details of the standard LU air operated point machine.

Speed Control Photos - showing how the driver sees the approach to a station with a speed control signal.

Calling On and Warning Signals - This is historical really, about signals which used to be used for coupling and uncoupling trains in service but which can still be seen in one or two locations.

Route & Track Plans - A page with links to track and signalling diagrams of the Northern, Victoria and Epping - Ongar lines, plus some site diagrams of particular locations.


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