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Tubeprune is an unofficial web site for professional railway people working for London Underground and for those interested in the London Underground railway system.  To the Tubeprune Home Page

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Links to other sites about London Underground:

London Underground Limited - The official site.

London Underground Station Plans - John Rowland's useful site showing 3-D and plan views of selected stations around the system.

London Transport Museum - Lots of London Underground stuff can be seen on the site.  It is well worth a visit and includes good historical summaries. 

The London Underground Railway Society - Formed in 1961 for those interested in the system, its operation, history and technology.

Clive's Underground Line Guides - Very useful information about each Underground line, distances, locations etc. by Clive Feather.

The Central Line Signalling System - Clive Feather's excellent technical description of the Westinghouse ATP signalling system used on the Central Line.

District Dave's London Underground Site - by a professional LUL man concentrating on the District Line.  Many interesting photos and links to other sites covering simulations and preservation.

The London Underground Tube Stock - A brief description, with some old photos, of various LU rolling stocks.  Not up to date.

The Piccadilly Line - A description of the line with some history.

London Underground Service Frequencies - A set of service headway tables gathered from LU working timetables, some of which are now out of date but which give a good idea of the current situation.

David Connor's Tribute to the Victoria Line - A lightweight description of the stations on the Victoria Line. It would have worked better with some photos.

Peter Kenny's Going Underground - Selected news and other quotes about London Underground.  Perhaps some of it is serious.

The Inner Circle - A Polish web site about the original Circle Line in Polish and English.

Richard's Railway Page - Some excellent photos and descriptions of London Underground rolling stock and odds and ends of Underground interest, including cab views on the Central Line.

London Underground Photos - A wide range of photos of London Underground rolling stock available on the New York Subway resources site.

Going Underground : A few pages of stories, comments and some facts. 

PPP - Our Campaign Continues - The TSSA trade union's campaign against the PPP proposals.

East London Line Extension gets go-ahead - Institute of Civil Engineers press release.

Geofftech : Some comments, facts and anecdotes about London Underground.

Virtual tour of Down Street - a disused station on the Piccadilly Line by Jonathan Hall

The Ultimate Guide to the London Underground - amusing anecdotes and comments.

Tube Hell - Seems to have gone for now but perhaps for the best.  The name says it all - cheap shots at the Underground. by Ian Peacock - Mostly about London Underground.

The Modern London Underground - Another overview site on London Underground.

Brompton Road by Dr James Fox - A set of photos of the disused station on the Piccadilly Line taken during a visit.

Deep Level Shelters in London - Some information about the underground air raid shelters provided around London.

Crossrail - The new official site which describes the routes and the project strategy.

Beary's London Underground - A site about London Underground in German.

Lifts and Escalators on London Underground - A short history with lists of all current lifts and escalators on London Underground, by Clive Feather.

So you want to drive a tube train? The 'official' page for various lines at :   Available now: the Circle, District, Metropolitan, Northern Line and Bakerloo Lines.

Central Line Photos - Photos of scenes on the Underground by Robert Griffiths.

The LUL & Rail Forum - the address is - A discussion group on London Underground and other rail systems.

Anorak Heaven - Interesting photos and information about signal cabins on London Underground.

The Locomotive and Carriage Institution - An interesting web site with an index page listing a number of items of interest including photos of LU rolling stock, a copy of the text of the Presidential Address by WS Graff-Baker in October 1938 and report of visits and trips to London Underground facilities.

LU Rolling Stock - A series of articles briefly outlining the development of London Underground rolling stock.   These pages are on the SERA site.

Going Underground - An amusing look at the Underground by someone calling themselves "Annie Mole".  It has a recommendation from The Sun - 'nuff said.  However, "Annie" writes some interesting short articles here.

Guide to the London Underground - A large series of good quality photos of LU rolling stock published on the New York City Subway Resources site.

The Modern London Underground - Lots of photos of stations and trains.

Guide to the London Underground - This is more a guide to London using the Underground than a guide to the Underground itself.  Places of interest are linked to a list of stations on a line.  Not all lines are included.

Line Maps - Individual maps of each Underground line.

Metro Models - Kits of models of modern LU rolling stock.

London - A collection of photos of various LU stations by Graham Goldwater. it would be nice to see more.

Carter's Unofficial Guide to the London Underground - the name says is all but it's high level and covers a lot of ground covered by others.  A well produced site. 

Metronet - The PPP company which has taken over the infrastructure of the Bakerloo, Central & Victroia Lines (BCV) and the Sub Surface Lines (SSL). Seems to be unavailable at the moment (27 October 2004)

Tubelines - The PPP company which has taken over the infrastructure of the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadliiy Lines (JNP).

Disused Stations on London Underground - a good set of pages on disused stations of the London Underground.

Abandoned Stations on London Underground More information on disused stations of the London Underground.


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