The Waybill is the PNW region's local publication that Division members receive with their membership to the club. It is published semi-monthly, and contains articles about collecting, modifying, and maintaining your toy trains; as well as information about rail-related museums, travel destinations, and club meeting notices.
Members Only: Public:
Attention: aspiring writers or photographers!
The Waybill is always looking for articles, pictures, and story ideas. TTOS membership is not required to participate. If your article is included in a Waybill issue, you will receive a free copy of that issue. Submissions can be in any format: written, taped, or electronic. Other formats may be acceptable by arrangement with the Editor. Subjects can be related to anything railroad: model or prototypical. The Waybill publishes railfan information, trip and travel reports, model train reviews, historical information, book and video reviews. Some articles are chosen for inclusion in TTOS' National publication in The Bulletin. All articles are subject to editing solely at the discretion of the Editor. Please send all submissions, ideas, and comments to the Waybill Editor.