This is a list of Tomix N-gauge sectional track pieces produced as of the 2015-2016 catalog. It is in order by type of track, then any subtypes (straight, curved, etc.) within the group, then size. Each entry then shows what product package number the track comes in, and how many pieces are included in the package. Special track sets are not included, except if that is the only way a certain track piece can be bought.
To see what a specific piece of track looks like, go to a vendor website (like Hobby Search at or a general internet search page, and perform a search for "Tomix" and the package number.
Guide to Decoding the Tomix Track Designations |
S = Straight, xxx = mm length, (F) = Fine Track |
C = Curved, xxx = mm radius, -xx degrees of arc, (F) = Fine Track |
X = Crossing, R or L = Right or Left crossing, xxx = mm length, -xx = degrees of crossing angle, (F) = Fine Track |
P = Points (turnout); R L Y or C = Right or Left departure curve, Y-shaped, or Curve-on-curve; xxx = mm radius; -xx = degrees of arc; (F) = Fine Track |
Prefixes: D = Double track; H = overhead viaduct track; N = Neo (points/turnout wiring system) |
Suffixes: SE = TCS Sensor; SL = Slab track; PC = Precast Concrete ties/sleepers; WP = Wide with Precast sleepers; WT = Wide Tram; J = Joiner; (F) = Fine Track |
Regular Track |
This is the basic track type, with wood or precast concrete sleepers (ties) and ballast (stones). | |
Regular Track Straight | Package |
S280(F) | 2 in 1022; 4 in 1802; 10 in 1092 (bulk pack) |
S158.5(F) | 2 in 1026; 4 in 1806 |
S140(F) | 2 in 1021; 4 in 1801 |
S99(F) | 2 in 1025; 4 in 1805 |
S72.5(F) | 2 in 1023; 4 in 1803 |
S70(F) | 2 in 1024; 4 in 1804 |
S35-J(F) (joiner track to other brands) | 4 in 1529 |
S33(F) | 2 in 1099; 2 in 1324 (X37-90 crossing) |
S18.5(F) | 2 in 1099; 2 in 1324 (X37-90 crossing) |
S280-PC(F) | 4 in 1012; 12 in 1093 (bulk pack) |
S158.5-PC(F) | 4 in 1016 |
S140-PC(F) | 4 in 1011 |
S99-PC(F) | 4 in 1015 |
S72.5-PC(F) | 4 in 1013 |
S70-PC(F) | 4 in 1014 |
S35-J-PC(F) (joiner track to other brands) | 4 in 1530 |
Regular Track Curved | Package |
C605-10(F) | 2 in 1150; 4 in 1870 |
C541-15(F) | 2 in 1123; 4 in 1853 |
C391-45(F) | 2 in 1128; 4 in 1858 |
C391-15(F) | 2 in 1145 |
C354-45(F) | 2 in 1126; 4 in 1856 |
C354-15(F) | 2 in 1144 |
C317-45(F) | 2 in 1122; 4 in 1852 |
C317-15(F) | 2 in 1127 |
C280-45(F) | 2 in 1121; 4 in 1851 |
C280-15(F) | 2 in 1124; 4 in 1854 |
C243-45(F) | 2 in 1125; 4 in 1855 |
C243-15(F) | 2 in 1143 |
C605-10-PC(F) | 4 in 1190 |
C541-15-PC(F) | 4 in 1193 |
C391-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1898 |
C391-15-PC(F) | 4 in 1865 |
C354-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1196 |
C354-15-PC(F) | 2 in 1864 |
C317-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1192 |
C317-15-PC(F) | 4 in 1197 |
C280-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1191 |
C280-15-PC(F) | 4 in 1194 |
C243-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1195 |
C243-15-PC(F) | 4 in 1863 |
Mini / Super-Mini Track Curved | Package |
C177-60(F) (Mini) | 2 in 1113 |
C177-30(F) (Mini) | 2 in 1113 |
C140-60(F) (Mini) | 2 in 1112 |
C140-30(F) (Mini) | 2 in 1112 |
C103-60(F) (Super-Mini) | 2 in 1111 |
C103-30(F) (Super-Mini) | 2 in 1111 |
Regular Track - Special |
This group includes "special work" like points/turnouts, crossings and bumpers, plus the turntable and other special pieces. Some points/turnouts did not originally have "full selection," where both rails of the non-selected route (not just the one rail leading from the frog) are electrically disconnected by circuitry built in under the roadbed. Tomix replaced them around the end of 2008 with updated "full selection" versions as shown. Be aware that this change might dictate different layout wiring methods in certain situations. Tomix is unique in offering the "full selection" feature. The "full selection" design can be identified by a small piece of plastic insulation in each of the two long outer rails, across from the frog. | |
Manual Points (Turnouts) | Package |
PR541-15(F) | 1215 (replaced 1209) |
PL541-15(F) | 1216 (replaced 1210) |
Mini Manual Points (Turnouts) | Package |
PR140-30(F) | 1 in special track set 91082 |
PL140-30(F) | 1 in special track set 91082 |
Electric Points (Turnouts) | Package |
N-PR541-15(F) | 1271 (replaced 1241) |
N-PR541-15-SY(F) (brown synthetic sleepers) | 1281 |
N-PL541-15(F) | 1272 (replaced 1242) |
N-PL541-15-SY(F) (brown synthetic sleepers) | 1282 |
N-PR280-30(F) | 1273 (replaced 1243) |
N-PL280-30(F) | 1274 (replaced 1244) |
N-PRL541/280-15(F) (3-way) | 1261 |
N-PLR541/280-15(F) (3-way) | 1262 |
N-CPR317/280-45(F) (curve-on-curve) | 1278 (replaced 1248) |
N-CPL317/280-45(F) (curve-on-curve) | 1279 (replaced 1249) |
N-PX280-15(F) (double crossover) | 1247 |
N-PY280-15(F) ("Y") | 1240 |
N-PXR140-15(F) (double slip) | 1245 |
N-PXL140-15(F) (double slip) | 1246 |
Mini Electric Points (Turnouts) | Package |
N-PR140-30(F) | 1231 |
N-PL140-30(F) | 1232 |
Crossings | Package |
XR140-15(F) | 1322 |
XL140-15(F) | 1323 |
X72.5-30(F) | 1321 |
X37-90(F) | 1324 (with 2 S33 (F) and 2 S18.5 (F)) |
Buffer Tracks (Bumpers) | Package |
Buffer Track (F) (formed steel bumper) | 1421 |
Buffer Track with LED Light (F) (concrete block, 80 mm long) |
1422 |
Buffer Track with LED Light - PC (F) (concrete block, 80 mm long) |
1427 |
Buffer Track E with LED and Noise Cancellation (F) (for Tomix camera train, 46 mm long) | 1423 |
Other | Package |
M70(F) (uncoupler track with light pole) | 1521 |
V70(F) (extendable length track 70-90 mm) | 1525 |
V70-PC(F) (extendable length track 70-90 mm) | 1526 |
V70-WP(F) (extendable length track 70-90 mm) | 1528 |
S140-RE(F) (rerailer track, disguised as road crossing) | 1523 (with S140 (F) straight) |
S140-RE-PC(F) (rerailer track, disguised as road crossing) | 1524 (with S140-PC (F) straight) |
G70-W(F) (insulator track-both rails gapped) | 1671 |
N-AT212-15(F) (Neo - Automatic Turntable II 212mm diameter - 15 degrees between approach tracks) | 1633 (there were three previous turntable versions) |
Turntable Extension Set(F) (2 45-degree track lead segments) |
1632 |
Overhead Viaduct Track |
This is ballasted track with wood or precast concrete ties (sleepers), mounted on viaduct beams. | |
Viaduct Single Track Straight | Package |
HS280(F) | 2 in 1072 |
HS158.5(F) | 2 in 1076 |
HS140(F) | 2 in 1071 |
HS99(F) | 2 in 1075 |
HS280-PC(F) | 4 in 1822 |
HS158.5-PC(F) | 4 in 1826 |
HS140-PC(F) | 4 in 1821 |
HS99-PC(F) | 4 in 1825 |
Viaduct Single Track Curved | Package |
HC354-45(F) | 2 in 1174 |
HC317-45(F) | 2 in 1172 |
HC280-45(F) | 2 in 1171 |
HC243-45(F) | 2 in 1173 |
HC354-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1874 |
HC317-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1872 |
HC280-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1871 |
HC243-45-PC(F) | 4 in 1873 |
Viaduct Double Track Straight | Package |
DS1120(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1069 |
DS280(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1062 |
DS140(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1061 |
Viaduct Double Track Curved | Package |
DC465/428-45(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1163 |
DC391/354-45(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1162 |
DC317/280-45(F) (precast concrete ties) | 2 in 1161 |
Slab Track |
This type represents modern track affixed to a concrete slab base. | |
Slab Track Single Track Straight | Package |
S140-SL(F) | 2 in 1046; 4 in 1047 |
Slab Track Double Track Straight | Package |
DS1120-SL(F) | 2 in 1070 |
DS280-SL(F) | 2 in 1067 |
DS140-SL(F) | 2 in 1066 |
Slab Track Double Track Curved | Package |
DC539/502-22.5-SL(F) | 2 in 1169 |
DC465/428-45-SL(F) | 2 in 1168 |
Wide PC Track |
A variation of regular track, with precast concrete ties (sleepers) and the roadbed extended out on both sides to an overall 37 mm width. This lets parallel tracks lie in continuous ballast stone. With additional kits the modeler can add trackside fences or walls, or add beam structures to convert the track into viaduct of one or more parallel tracks. In all of these forms, Wide PC track serves as Tomix's canted (super-elevated or banked) track offering. 22.5-degree "approach" curved pieces are sold to make the transition between flat and canted profile when entering or leaving a curve. This makes the shortest workable curve 45-degrees (flat to canted to flat again). (Exception: the special purpose 605 mm and 541 mm radius Wide PC curved tracks are not canted.) | |
Wide PC Track Straight | Package |
S280-WP(F) | 2 in 1732; 4 in 1762; 10 in 1730 (bulk pack) |
S158.5-WP(F) | 4 in 1736 |
S140-WP(F) | 2 in 1731; 4 in 1761 |
S140-WP(F) (with removable edge) | 2 in 1739; 4 in 1769 |
S99-WP(F) | 4 in 1735 |
S72.5-WP(F) (with removable edge) | 2 in 1733; 4 in 1763 |
S70-WP(F) (with removable edge) | 2 in 1734; 4 in 1764 |
S33-WP(F) | 4 in 1738 |
S18.5-WP(F) | 4 in 1738 |
Wide PC Track Curved | Package |
C605-10-WP(F) (with removable edge) | 4 in 1750 |
C541-15-WP(F) (with removable edge) | 2 in 1740; 4 in 1770 |
C391-45-WP(F) | 2 in 1744; 4 in 1774 |
CR(L)391-22.5-WP(F) Approach Tracks | 1 right/left pair in 1754; 2 pairs in 1784 |
C354-45-WP(F) | 2 in 1743; 4 in 1773 |
CR(L)354-22.5-WP(F) Approach Tracks | 1 right/left pair in 1753; 2 pairs in 1783 |
C317-45-WP(F) | 2 in 1742; 4 in 1772 |
CR(L)317-22.5-WP(F) Approach Tracks | 1 right/left pair in 1752; 2 pairs in 1782 |
C280-45-WP(F) | 2 in 1741; 4 in 1771 |
CR(L)280-22.5-WP(F) Approach Tracks | 1 right/left pair in 1751; 2 pairs in 1781 |
Wide Tram Track |
These track pieces represent track embedded in street. They are the functional equivalent of the previous method of applying Tomix 3076 or 3079 Road Parts Kits to regular straight and "Mini" curved pieces to create street trackage for streetcars and trams. The Road Parts Kits can still be used to pave Mini turnouts or to meet other special paving needs. | |
Wide Tram Track Straight | Package |
S140-WT(F) | 2 in 1791 |
S70-WT(F) | 2 in 1790 |
S70-WT-S(F) (stone paving) | 4 in 1794 |
S70-WT-G(F) (grass median) | 4 in 1789 |
S47.5-WT(F) | 1 in 1798, 2 in 1799 |
S37-WT(F) | 2 in 1798, 4 in 1799 |
S18.5-WT(F) | 1 in 1798, 2 in 1799 |
S37-WT-SE(F) TCS Sensor | 2 in 5568 |
Wide Tram Track Curved | Package |
C177-60-WT (F) (Mini) | 2 in 1797 |
C177-30-WT (F) (Mini) | 2 in 1797 |
C140-60-WT (F) (Mini) | 2 in 1796 |
C140-30-WT (F) (Mini) | 2 in 1796 |
C103-60-WT (F) (Super-Mini) | 2 in 1795 |
C103-30-WT (F) (Super-Mini) | 2 in 1795 |
Wide Tram Track Special | Package |
X37-90-WT (F) Crossing | 1 in 1799 |
Other Track Pieces |
There are other Tomix products which incorporate track, like bridges. Tomix lists these products in other product number series outside of the 1000-series item numbers. The list below does not include TCS Sensors (see the Tomix Control Systems section of this website) or trackside signals that come with S70 (F) length straights. | |
Item | Package |
Multi-Wheel Cleaning Track (F) (140mm) | 6414 |
Multi-Wheel Cleaning Track - PC(F) (140mm) | 6415 |
Deck Girder Bridge (F) (red, 140 mm) | 3028 (with 2 brick piers) |
Deck Girder Bridge (F) (green, 140 mm) | 3241 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Through Girder Bridge (F) (blue, 140 mm) | 3029 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Through Girder Bridge - PC (F) (blue, 140 mm) | 3027 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Truss Bridge (F) (blue, 280 mm) | 3030 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Truss Bridge (F) (red, 280 mm) | 3031 (with 2 brick piers) |
Truss Bridge (F) (cream, 280 mm) | 3032 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Truss Bridge (F) (green, 280 mm) | 3033 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Truss Bridge (F) (blue, 280 mm) | 3051 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Truss Bridge (F) (green, 280 mm) | 3052 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Truss Bridge (F) (cream, 280 mm) | 3053 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Curved Chord Large Truss Bridge - PC (F) (red, 560 mm) | 3221 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Curved Chord Large Truss Bridge - PC (F) (green, 560 mm) | 3222 (with 2 concrete piers) |
Double Track Concrete Bridge - PC (F) (gray, 280 mm) | 3226 (with center pier) |