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(Internationaler Verein von Fahrkartensammler)


With Hyperlink above (CTC-Banner) already on the Web.


This German Club researches the history of transport tickets and wants to preserve them for the posterity. The CTC publishes a quarterly Journal, and organizes once a year, in the second weekend of November, its General Meeting and Exchange Mart. This so-called ‘Tagung’ will alternately be organized by one of the members. In general these meetings are held in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and The Netherlands. The last meeting was held in Harlingen, the Newtherlands and the next meeting will be held on 20th October 2008 in Nürnberg, Germany.


Ticket-exchange during the CTC General Meeting in the Eurohotel in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, held on saturday 11th November 2001.


The 30 present collectors came from The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.








Other Ticket Collector Clubs in the world are:


Great Britain:         The Transport Ticket Society

Australia:               The Australian Transport Ticket Collectors Association.


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