Agents, Operators, Dispatchers | |
![]() | Genealogical Index E-Mail:
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Click link to open a new window for Listing of Canadian Pacific Railway CALGARY RTC's only (others in Listing below too) | |
Click link to open a new window for Listing of Canadian Pacific Railway REVELSTOKE RTC's only (others in Listing below too) | |
LAST NAME, First Name (Initials) | Canadian Railway - Known Stations and Years |
Adair, GD | CPR Kettle Valley Division (Fernie to Midway) 1951 / Edmonton Division 1952 / Calgardy 1956 / Kamloops, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Dauphin / Montreal 1970 |
Adams GW | CNR agt-opr Vanenby 1948sd |
Adams, WJ | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1920sd |
Anderson DB | CNR agt-opr New Hazelton 1965sd |
Anderson, JL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1911sd ORT1393 |
Anderson FS | CNR opr Grand Praire 1947sd |
Anderson, NB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT176 |
Appleyard, FT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT844 |
Apps SF | CNR agt-opr Kitwanga 1969sd |
Armstrong, JW | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1920sd ORT916 |
![]() Armstrong, Kenneth B | CPR Opr/Relief Dspr CP Calgary, Vancouver, Revelstoke, Moose Jaw Divisions 1974-84 Rail System Safety in USA April 18th, 1974 at Brooks, Alberta was last known occurrence? when a CPR train was issued an OK'd Clearance with notation "Cleared by wire failure" |
Armstrong LG | CNR agt, Hotbox Opr Kamloops 1949sd |
Arychuk, WD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd |
Ashbaugh GE | CNR Temporary opr Kamloops 1969sd |
Ashley, HR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT715 |
Austin, HJ | CNR agt 1943sd ORT1810 |
Babiuk J | CNR TD Roma Jct 1969sd |
Bachyinski JE | CNR agt-opr Edmonton 1952sd |
Bacon DE | CNR Mirror 1934 |
Bailey Ed | NAR asst agt Grand Prairie 1928 |
Bailey FF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT1864 |
Baldwin M | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT729 |
Baleshta B | CNR TD Kamloops 1945 |
Ballantyne AS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1722 |
Balmer WL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT608 |
Barnett LS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT1307 |
Barr JA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT592 |
Barr RL | CNR TD Kamloops 1951sd |
Baugh JD | CNR TD Kamloops 1949sd |
Baun V | CNR opr McBride 1960sd |
Beaton J | CNR Donalda /d67 |
Bell S | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT743 |
Belleville CR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1924sd ORT1325 |
Beloglowka J | CNR Vilna 1951, Camrose 1952, Entwhistle 1956-67 diff loctns AB & SK |
Benjamin ? | CPR (fa of below) |
Benjamin Les MP Regina West | CPR Alberta & Sask 1946-61 |
Bennett HM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT222 |
Bennett IH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT769 |
Bereska M | CNR agt, Servo Cen Mgr Edmonton 1947sd |
Berg George | NAR opr 1941 |
Berry DE | CNR opr Terrace 1952sd |
Bigelow JC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT938 |
![]() Biggs, Ralph | CPR agt Metiskow (also SK) /r |
Bissett Fred | CPR agt Bow Island |
Bistritan N | CNR opr Hanna 1952sd |
Bjarnason B | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT671 |
Blair AS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT579 |
Blair TP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1928sd ORT1654 |
Blundell GC | CNR TD Edmonton 1961sd |
Borass CL | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Bott, Bert | NAR agt Clairmont 1925 |
Boulter JL | CNR agt Calgardy 1948sd |
Bowerman, Ralph L | CPR/CNR 1954-6 |
Bowman RC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT1742 |
Bowman WG | CNR agt, Serv Rep Port Mann 1945sd |
Boyd, GAS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT534 |
Boyko, S | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1966 |
Broderick, DG | CPR Calgary 1940-52 |
Brown DJ | CNR opr Port Mann 1967sd |
Brown GE | CNR agt/TD (1976) 1947sd |
Brown, HG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT646 |
Brown, KM | CPR Medicine Hat Division 1943 / Maple Creek (MK) SASK 1947 / Red Deer AB 1948-1985 |
Bryant, WG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1924sd ORT886 |
Buchanan WH | CNR opr Edmonton 1951sd |
Buchinski DG | CNR opr Vermilion 1970sd |
![]() Buckingham, Dave | CNR 1947 Asst Agt Athabasca, Mountain Park, Ryley
. 1948 Opr Twrman MX North Edmonton, Relief Opr Various . 1949 Agent Opr Sunnynook . 1954 Agt-Opr Warden Jct . 1957 Agt-Opr Ranfurly . 1962 Agt-Opr Chauvin . 1965 Car service Opr, Opr Ka office, Dispr, Staff Opr Kamloops BC . Retired 1985 |
![]() Burgess Ken L | CNR Spare Opr Calgary Div 1948-50 . Opr Brazeau 1950-3 . Agt Opr Leyland 1953-7 . Agt Opr Therien 1957-61 . Agt Opr Edgerton 1961-7 . Agt Opr Whitecourt 1967-89 /r1989 |
![]() Bundy, Clarence J | CPR Div No7 Cowley, Pincher Creek stn until retirement / 1912sd ORT712 & continuous membership 25 yrs & Local Chairman, Lethbridge Div |
Burdenuk E | CNR swing opr Calder 1947sd |
Burgess KL | CNR agt-opr Whitecourt 1948sd |
Burgess WA | CNR TD Edmonton 1947sd |
Burns JM | CNR agt/car supr Calgardy 1947sd |
Burns, M | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT702 |
Bye CH | CNR agt Wainwright 1942sd |
Byers, SW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT106 |
Cameron, FJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT590 |
Cameron JW | CNR agt Edmonton 1947sd |
Cameron MR | CNR opr Terrace 1954sd |
Campbell SF | CNR agt-opr Unity 1949sd |
Card, Ira | NAR agt Grand Prairie 1928 |
Carey, HF | NAR CNR agt, TD |
Carpenter, Bryer Curtis | GTP CNR agt Kinsella 1937-65, Entwhistle, Wadren Jct, Jasper, Edmonton 1920sd ORT723 |
Carpenter, William (Bill) | CNR agt AB & ON /q1950 |
Carrick, Bert | NAR agt 1927 |
Carrington, EH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT782 |
Castle JK | CNR opr Red Pass Jct 1971sd |
Cavanaugh, CP | CNR agt Alberta Dis, Operations Super Express Calgary 1940sd ORT1599 |
Chadwick, W | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT742 |
Chamberlain RW | CNR opr Biggar 1969sd |
Chapman, ER | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT812 |
Charles FR | CNR opr Prince George 1954sd |
Chester, WJ | CNR agt 1942sd |
Chrapko N | CNR agt-opr Redwater 1960sd |
Christenson, MA | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1917sd ORT750 |
Christenson, WM | CNR agt 1943sd * |
Christmas, SE | CNR agt Alberta Dis,Edmonton 1911sd ORT186 /d72 |
Clare MD | CNR opr Terrace 1973sd |
Clarke A | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT741 |
Clarke DB | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Clarke HE | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1944sd ORT1925 |
Coady, MJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT815 |
Coffman, EC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT720 |
![]() Colborne, Frederick Charles | CPR head telegrapher Calgary -worked night shifts - in Halifax as telegrapher during the Halifax Explosion in WW1 - told us he worked 3 days straight as the only link to the outside world after the explosion /r 1950 (see bro below) |
![]() Colborne, James Blair | CPR telegrapher Medicine Hat /r 1950's (see bro above) |
Coldwell, JH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT700 |
Collicutt, CW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT345 |
Collier, J | CNR Edmonton 1938, CNT commercial op, Jasper 1950 |
Collier, WW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT707 |
Collins TW | CNR opr Dome Creek 1970sd |
Colwell, LE | NAR CPR / NAR Ass't Agent 1949-51 / CPR Leduc 1951 / NAR Barhead, Grande Prairie, Grimshaw, Slave Lake, Smith, Wetaskiwin, Ponoka, Lacombe, Edmonton, Rocky Mountain House, Crossfield Tower / CPR Centre Street Tower years? /retired CPR Wetaskiwin, 1985 |
Coon, Harry | CNR agt-opr Calgary Div, Oyen AB, Camrose AB, Alaska SK, Flaxcombe /d1998 |
Coon, HE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1390 |
Corcoran, FJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT253 |
Corbett JF | CNR opr Boston Bar 1971sd |
Corregan, WGM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT490 |
Coster ER | CNR TD prince George 1950sd |
Coutts MJ | CNR agt-opr Coleville 1972sd |
Craig, FY | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT437 |
Craig, Russell | NAR Berwyn 1932 |
Crawford DD | CNR agt-opr Burns Lake 1948sd |
Croft, LE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1682 |
Cromp B | CNR opr Prince Rupert 1973sd |
Croteau, PJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT862 |
Crowther, CE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1925sd ORT941 |
Culp, JM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1925sd ORT955 |
Culver RS | CNR opr Prince George 1953sd |
Cummings, W | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1923 |
Cyba R | CNR opr Red Deer 1964sd |
Dagert RL | CNR agt-opr Eatonia 1968sd |
Dalgleish CR | CNR opr Calder 1948sd |
Dalgleish, TR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1849 |
Dalton, A | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT479 |
Daniels, CW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1929sd ORT1621 |
Daniluck JH | CNR ATD Edmonton 1949sd |
Davey KR | CNR opr Prince Rupert 1973sd |
Davis, WA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT902 |
Deare, OK | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT309 |
![]() Deck, George | CPR ref agt 11 yrs on Alberta Div mostly relieving agts & operators in Let & Calgary Div. Spent several yrs on Field Hill at Stephen & saw the first diesel come in & last steamer head east with a small train. Also had winter experiences as brakeman in Crows Nest Pass switching coal mines |
Delaney JG | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Dembicki, Ed | CNR opr Edberg, Hinton, Hanna, Mirror, Blue River, TD Kamloops, CWR TD Big Valley sd 1956 |
Dennis TW | CNR opr Mirror 1970sd |
Desautels VC | CNR spare Prince George 1974sd |
Diagneault AP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT538 |
Dixon JA | CNR agt Montreal (1976) 1947sd |
Donaldson LL | CNR agt Alberta Dis Terrace 1942sd ORT1739 |
Donaldson T | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT1753 |
Donaldson WW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT1362 |
Donlevy William (Bill) | NAR CTD |
Douglas KH | CNR 1950sd |
Douglas R | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1919sd ORT1305 |
Douglas GA | CNR opr Kamloops 1965sd |
Dowdell EC | CNR spare Edmonton 1971sd |
Dowdell JK | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Dowdell JL | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1920sd ORT764 |
Dowdell Keith N | CNR St Paul 1948, Maidstone 1951, Vermilion, Lloydminster, Edson 1974 /r87 |
Dowell LC | CNR agt Calgary 1949sd |
Dryden, ? | CNR op Alberta |
![]() Drynan, G Aubrey | CNR trained at Meeting Creek with agent Tom Peters . Calgary Divn. Rosebud, Acadia Valley, Three Hills . Edmn Divn. Unity, Ryley, Ardrossan, Wainwright, Lloydminster, Mannville, Edson, Bickerdike, 'MO' office Edmn, North Edmn Tower, plus others . 1957sd /q1962 |
Duck, JL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1939sd ORT1054 |
Duliba EM | CNR opr Ft Saskatchewan 1957sd |
Dunaway, LG | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1921sd * ORT976 |
Dunham, Perry S | CNR Viking 1940 (last agt Viking) 1928sd ORT1964 |
Dupre OE | CNR opr Prince George 1941sd |
Easton H | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1908sd ORT75 |
Eberly P | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT822 |
Edy EM | CNR opr Alberta Dis Kelowna 1944sd ORT1907 |
Edgar Jack | NAR Spirit River 1925? |
Elder RJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1911sd ORT230 |
Elliott Alan | NAR Beaverlodge 1932 |
Elliott AH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT711 |
Elliott BT | CNR agt 1942sd * ORT1735 |
Elliott BT | CNR agt-opr Blue River 1949sd |
Elliott OB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT311 |
Ellis B | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1919sd ORT825 |
Enberg R | CNR opr Symington 1948 |
English KW | CNR agt-opr, swing opr Vancouver TM 1951sd |
Esakin CA | CNR opr Second Narrows 1958sd |
Eutusheuski C | CNR agt-oor Lashburn 1966sd |
Evanoff GD | CNR swing opr Endako 1957sd |
Ewoniak WA | CNR Tofield, Ryley, Kinsella, Wainwright (relief & op) |
Fairey ER | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT49 |
Fallow WA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1906sd ORT182 |
Ferby S | CNR opr Sarcee 1971sd |
Ferguson LT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1426 |
Fielding HE | CNR agt, ACTD Alberta Dis Prince George 1944sd ORT2002 |
Finlayson KD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1958 |
Finn JF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1911sd ORT187 |
Finn WJ | CNR agt, Trans Analyst & MP util Alberta Dis Edmonton 1942sd ORT1715 |
Fishenden EH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT734 |
Fisher W | CNR TD Edmonton 1949sd |
Fisher WG | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Fitzgerald JR | CPR Edmonton 1938, Red Deer |
Flaherty DJ | CNR spre Edmonton 1973sd |
Flaherty KM | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Flaherty TV | CNR agt Biggar 1946sd |
Folsom LH | CNR TD Prince George 1951sd |
Footz W | CNR TD Edmonton 1951sd |
Ford EF | CNR TD Roma Jct 1949sd |
Fortier, JA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1908sd ORT81 |
Fowler GF (Fred) | CNR opr Saunders, Meeting Creek, Powley, Rumsey, Edberg . agt-opr Warden, Houston BC, Vilna, St. Paul /r1987 |
Fowler GF Sr. | CNoR agt-opr Rumsey 1913, Irma, Rumsey, Big Valley r/1940s |
Fowler GF | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis St Paul 1943sd * ORT1886 |
Fowler HB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT344 (ORT books list sd as 1812!) |
Fowler William (Bill) F | CNR opr Big Valley, Edberg, Camrose / TD Edmonton 1950-? 1942 * ORT1752 |
Fowler WF | CNR agt, TD Alberta Dis Edmonton 1942sd * ORT1752 |
Fowler WF | CNR opr Grand Centre 1973sd |
Fowler WR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT1489 |
Franks RD | CNR opr Lloydminster 1968sd |
Fraser LC | CNR ACTD Kamloops 1950sd |
Fraser WM | CNR agt-opr Scott 1971sd |
Frevel HH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT600 |
Frissell Edward A | CNR swing opr Vermilion, Wainwright sd1955 |
Frissell RW | CNR spare Edmonton 1970sd |
![]() ![]() Froome, ED (Ted) | CPR agt . Dominion City 1918, Wapella, SK (last stn) . 12 years with CPR then resigned & took agt position with NAR at Hines Creek, AB (most northern point at the end of the line). He traveled to his new job on the very first passenger train to that station, got off the train & immediately had to start handling the baggage and express . family at Hines Creek 1930-44 . he bid & rec'd agt position at Spirit River . retired from NAR 1965 after 47 yrs of service with the two railway's (Born Feb 9 1901) . ORT 802 /r 1965 . notes: Glen D. Froome (see also MB) |
Fullerton, Ralph | NAR agt Clairmont, Edmonton, designed NAR logo, Comm Super |
![]() Gafka Len | CNR - 1952 May-Aug student telegrapher Islay AB . 1952-64 Calgary-Edmonton-Edson areas as opr-agt-dispatcher-1958 . Edmonton Terminal - CD-Calder, MO-Edmonton, MX-North Edmonton Tower, DK-Dispatchers Office - 999/800, CS, Area Staff . 1965-72 Mid Mgt - CS Supvr Edmn Area - Region Special duties . 1972-75 Montreal TRACS-CM . 1976-89 System HQ- Snr Mgt - Sys Coord Car Mgt, CM-Liaison Ofcr. CM-AAR Rept. Railcar Leases.Sys. Transp. Control Center. Deregulation Ofcr . Early retirement 1989 . Moved to Nanaimo BC . Still involved in telegraphy joined Canadian HUB in 2007. "Dial Up Roster" Office sign VN - personal sign R . ORT 2777 |
Gainer JJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT144 |
Gallant ET | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT44 |
![]() | CPR Banff, Cochrane 1964, Lake Lousie, Canmore, Exshaw, Crows Nest Pass / Hardisty Sub AB e of Wetaskiwin to Camrose, n of Westaskiwin to Millett, Leduc / "... last to learn telegraph on CP Railway" |
Gates, JM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1815 |
Gaudet, EJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT198 |
Gaudet, FT | CNR Humboldt 1943? / TD Edson, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Calgary, Turner 1943sd ORT1823 |
Gaudet, FT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1823 |
Gaudet PR | CNR agt, CTD Prince George 1946sd |
Gavinchuk, G | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis Ft Sask 1945sd ORT1995 |
Geddis PJ | CNR opr Blue River 1971sd |
Geddis, RH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT875 |
Geddid RP | CNR TD Edmonton 1952sd |
![]() | CPR T&R Chief (Testing and Regulating) June 1951-Jan 1956, Calgary commercial relay center Lethbridge & Medicine Hat AB-testboards |
Gereluk J | CNR opr Oyen 1967sd |
Gibson, FD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT361 |
Gibson HF | CNR agt Prince George 1947sd |
Giles TW | CNR agt, Hotbox Detector Opr Kamloops 1943sd |
Gillespie AD | CNR agt-opr Landis 1948sd |
Glass DG | CNR agt-opr Telkwa 1958sd |
Goheen WA | CNR opr Kamloops Jct 1929sd |
Golanowski L | CNR opr Kamloops 1952sd |
Goode IF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd |
Goodwin HF | CNR TD Kamloops 1947sd |
Goodwin TB | CNR gen Chair TCEU Winnipeg 1942sd |
Goodwin WR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT443 |
Gordon JW | CPR messenger 1944, Drumheller (op) 1949 |
Goruk PG | CNR opr Smithers 1952sd |
Gorman WJ | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1914sd ORT1043 |
Graham CL | CNR Trocho 1951, TD Edmonton SD1951 |
Graham ED | CNR agt-opr Valemount 1949sd |
Grant AH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT135 |
Graces RW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT589 |
Griffin JG | CNR opr Biggar 1967sd |
Guernsey GF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT29 |
Gunderson E | CNR TD prince George 1951sd |
Gunn JL | CNR agt-opr Penny 1972sd |
Haaglund, Gordon W | NAR - 12 / 2 BC |
Haczkewicz, AP | CNR TD Edmonton 1956sd |
Haight, CA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT977 |
Haight, CAS | CNR Peers d72 |
Hajek, FF | NAR Wembly 1927, Hythe 1928, Smith, Fahler / Pouce BC, Hythe, Anzac / Westlock AB |
Hamilton, AG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT153 |
Hammond, SG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT1050 |
Hanson HD | CNR agt Edmonton Dis, TD Winnipeg 1949sd |
![]() Harmon, WR | CNR asst-agt 1947, telegrapher 1948 / var locns SK / terminal opr Watrous / TD 1953 / worked offices in BC, AB, SK, MB / train master 1972, CTD 1979, CTD Edmonton 1983 / Co-ordinator Rules & Training Mtn Region 1987 / 1947sd /r 1987 (Dir Edmonton MTC Chap - circuit sine "WR", Office sine "WX") |
Harrison, Frederick Ross | CNR agt AB Dis 1913sd ORT343 (see bro BA Harrison, ON) |
Harrold, AP | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1920sd ORT989 |
Hart, JD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1939sd * ORT1475 |
Harte JE | CNR agt-opr McBride 1951sd |
Harte, W | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT519 |
Harms LA | CNR opr Edson 1968sd |
Hasbon AP | CNR agt Prince George 1949sd |
Hawkins, JPS | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1914sd ORT1039 |
Hawkins RG | CNR agt Hops 1954sd |
Hawthorne, O | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT286 |
Hay JG | CNR agt/opr Smithers 1946sd |
Healy, JD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1909sd ORT149 |
Henderson NE | CNR opr Camrose 1947sd |
Henderson, WE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT375 |
Hepher V | CNR opr Vancouver 1972sd |
Hering DP | CNR opr Edgerton 1970sd |
Herritt JGM | CNR agt, Servo Cen Mgr Kamloops Jct 1945sd |
![]() ![]() Hine, Arden | CPR asst-agt Empress, Towerman Calgary, opr Cochrane / 1957sd, resigned 1960 (see fa in SK, bro below & BC) |
Hewson EL | CNR agt, Cybernetics Mountain Rgn 1943sd (Montreal) |
![]() ![]() Hine, Cliff | CPT 1955-73 / started as morse opr in Calgary 'CR' commercial office then to T&R & worked as T&R Wire Chief in a number of CPT offices such as: Field, Nelson, Cranbrook, North Bend, Princeton all in BC for CP Telecommunications / CP Telegraphs Regina as messenger boy / r - living in Kelowna BC (see also BC / fa in SK, bro above & BC) |
![]() ![]() Hine, Kenneth W | CPR (see also BC, SK) |
Hinsberger SI | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Hill JW | CNR TD Edmonton 1957sd |
Hillsi RR | CNR opr Camross 1970sd |
Hiron, HP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT688 |
Hodgson CW | CNR agt-opr Avola 1953sd |
Holden, James | NAR Hythe |
Holt, Carl | CPR agt-opr Consort 1955, Carstairs 1950s & 60s /d1998 |
Holt RW | CNR swing opr Red Pass Jct 1970sd |
Hovde, MG | CNR agt 1943sd ORT1866 |
House, HG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT231 |
Houseman NB | CNR ACTD Kamloops 1946sd |
Hrischuk T | CNR opr Kelowna 1951sd |
Huberdeau, NL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT571 |
Hudson, LJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1014 |
Husel Tim D | CNR opr Mirror, Grand Centre, Jasper, TD Edmonton 1972sd |
Hutter, M | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT290 |
Illott, W | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT510 |
Ireland, RD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1905sd ORT357 |
James DL | CNR agt-opr Rockyford 1972sd |
Jelinski K | CNR agt-opr Edmonton 1950sd |
Jennett, KW | CNR 1950s/d |
Jeynes, Jack C | CNR Meeting Creek 1940s /d67 |
Jeynes, JC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1915sd ORT394 (same as above?) |
![]() Jodrey Jinnie | CPR opr - Citation: Year: 1916 |
![]() Johnson, AJC | NAR asst agt Hythe 1944-6 / var stns 1946-8 / CP Telegraphs 1948-1956 Calgary Commercial Office / CNR Saskatoon 1957-61 (relief) - ordained Lutheran paster at var parishes 1961-91 (Sine "CR", Personal "J") |
Johnson ER | CNR opr Camrose 1951sd |
Johnson, HL | CNR Chipman 1967, Calder, Edmonton, Lloyd-Vermilion-Maidstone swing |
Johnson, JS | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1915sd ORT1086 |
Johnson RO | CNR agt Edmonton 1952sd |
Johnston KG | CNR opr Port Mann 1973sd |
Johnston, MH | CPR Calgary 1948, Edmonton, Winnipeg (22 years) |
Jones, RL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT367 |
Jordan, MA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT778 |
Jwaszko W | CNR TD Edmonton 1950sd |
Kawchuk S | CNR agt Calder 1949sd |
Kary DW | CNR opr Jasper 1971sd |
![]() Kary, Harold | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd, returned to AB 1980 as TD (Morse Circuit: stn TELKWA(A), Sine HD) |
Kary HF | CNR TD (1976) Edmonton agt 1948sd |
Keefe WF | CNR agt Edson 1946sd |
![]() Kehoe, John D | CNR Agt-Opr Calgary, Edmonton, Edson Divns 1951-54 . TD Calgary 1954 . TD Kamloops, Pt Arthur, Winnipeg, Calgary, Smithers, Pr George 1954-73 . Trainmstr Pr George, Jasper, Kamloops, Pr Rupert 1973-81 . CTD Pr George 1981-89 . Retired Nov 1989 |
Kelly, Glenn H | NAR TD Edmonton 1917, Hythe 1932 |
Kelly JF | CNR ACTD Kamloops 1950sd |
Kennedy, CM | CNR agt, Terminal Mgr Alberta Dis Kamloops 1942sd ORT1792 |
![]() Kennie, George C | CNT Calgary & Edmonton 1938-9, Edmonton 1945, Wireless instructor RCAF 1940-5 /r1977 (Sine "GK") |
![]() Kent, Cefus Adrian | CNR stn master Millet - long standing member ORT (25 yrs continuous medallion) |
Keough FJ | CNR agt-opr Mirror 1951sd |
Kerby CI | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1916sd ORT1051 |
Kerr JT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1915sd |
King HG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT391 |
King HG | CNR agt 1942sd * ORT1756 |
King HG | CNR agt, Asst Mgr Carload Centre Edmonton 1943sd |
King W | CNR opr Sarcee 1946sd |
Kinnear JA | CNR TD Prince George 1953sd |
![]() Knott TS | CNR opr Port Mann . My last position, 1993-2000, was Rail Traffic Controller, Second Narrows Bridge, Vancouver (afternoon shift) . I "retired" January 2000 . returned to my home province of Manitoba (Hired on at Dauphin in 1967), and am now living in my original home town Gilbert Plains . The original CN Rail station here was moved to the towns' Main Street in 1978, and is the local Senior centre . 1969sd |
Koblanski, John | NAR CTD |
Kolodrubsky, J | CNR ACD Edmonton 1979 |
Kolosnikoff ER | CNR opr Kamloops 1948sd |
Korchinsky TW | CNR TD Edmonton 1952sd |
Kowalski EW | CNR opr Port Mann 1971sd |
Knack RP | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Krasowski, Harry | CNR Camrose 1970s-1985 |
![]() Krauter, Ab N | CNR Transferred from Manitoba District July 1949, Dispatcher 1953 ACD 1972 1943sd * ORT1710/1110 Retired Jan 31, 1986 |
Krissa, M | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1909 |
Krowchenko DL | CNR opr Wainwright 1968sd |
Kuchatoski PA | CNR opr Ft Saskatchewan 1949sd |
Kunkel, E | CNR Alberta 1950-2, TD 1952-84 |
Kurp, TJ | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1929sd ORT1714 |
Kuse, ML | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1462 |
Kyle, JL | CNR agt 1942sd * |
![]() ![]() LaBrier, John (Jack) | NAR Asst Agt Opr-Agt 1949-59 . Dunvegan Yards, C-Office, Morinville, Busby, Barrhead, Picardville, Westlock Bon Accord, Smith, High Prairie, McLennan, Falher, Girouxville, Wanham, Rycroft, Spirit River, Clairmont, Wembley, Pouce Coupe, Dawson Creek, Fairview, Whitelaw, Berwyn, Grimshaw, Belloy . see Lee, Reg (uncle) |
![]() Lacey, Donald F | CPR agt AB & BC late 1950s, early 1960s /d 1995 (Interesting note from daughter: he tore down his house in East Coulee, AB & shipped it by CPR boxcar to Burns Lake, BC Sept 1959 - he rebuilt that home & I was raised for the rest of my childhood in BC |
LaForce RN | CNR opr Mirror 1957sd |
Lamb TR | CNR agt/opr Lumby 1945sd |
Lambert, Rex | NAR opr McLennan 1940s |
Landry RG | CNR spare Edmonton 1966sd |
Lane JC | CNR opr Jasper 1952sd |
Lane, WT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1907sd ORT63 |
Larsen, A | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT531 |
Laughlin, DW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT105 |
Laurie WF | CNR agt Camross 1943sd |
Lavergne, JEA | CNR opr Symington 1950sd |
Leach, LH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT953 |
Lee, Reg | NAR CTD & TD - Opr 1917 (Approx)-1951 (Uncle to John LaBrier above) |
Lenglet, GR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1829 |
Lepage, GL | CNR agt 1942sd * ORT1732 |
Lepage, LN | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT487 |
Leslie CJF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT708 |
Lester PC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1905sd ORT19 |
Lewis CC | CNR agt 1942sd * |
Lewis DT | CNR agt-opr Evansburg 1972sd |
Lewis GO | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd * |
Lewyk RJ | CNR opr Camrose 1966sd |
Lind E | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT2019 |
Lineker AH | CNR agt-opr Bonnyville 1948sd |
Lissenden GA | CNR Edmonton 1929-30 1926sd ORT1451 |
Losinski M | CNR agt, Asst Regl Mgr Ops Edmonton Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1745 |
Lotz LA | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Lowes Tom | NAR agt 1927 |
Lueck HD | CNR opr Edson 1954sd |
Luke DW | CNR agt/opr Red Deer 1941sd |
Lutes LC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT446 |
Lyseyko HA | CNR opr Jasper 1957sd |
Macdonald AC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT1429 |
![]() MacKay Duncan | CPR opr - Citation: Year: 1916 |
![]() MacKay Irene | CPR opr - Citation: Year: 1916 |
![]() MacKay Henry J | CPR opr - Citation: Year: 1916 |
MacKay RA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT413 |
MacRae AF | CNR ACTD Edmonton 1928sd |
![]() Madock Agnes | Clerk, Telegraph station? - Citation: Year: 1916 |
Makohonvk, P | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1960 |
Makewecki E | CNR agt-opr Viking 1967sd |
Makoweski LJ | CNR spare Edmonton 1966sd |
Malanchuk JS | CNR spare Kamloops 1973sd |
Malowany PM | CNR opr East Edmonton 1952sd |
Marcoff MS | CNR opr Leyland 1947sd |
Marlow HA | CNR agt-opr Ashcroft 1950sd |
Martin DL | CNR agt Port Mann 1947sd |
Martin EE | CNR agt-opr Marshall 1973sd |
Marshall DH | CNR TD prince George 1949sd |
Maskiewich E | CNR ope Smithers 1953sd |
Mathers, DW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT522 |
Matwychuk FA | CNR TD Edmonton 1952sd |
Matthews, Percy | NAR agt Spirit River? 1925 |
Mawson, JF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT849 |
McAmmond KO | CNR agt Alberta Dis, TD Edmonton 1939sd ORT1473 |
McAmmond RL | CNR opr Calder 1970sd |
McArthur, EG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT139 |
McArthur P | CNR spare Kamloops 1974sd |
McCallum, WO | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1935 |
![]() McCleary, Albert | CPR agt Alberta ?sd |
McCombs, CC | ED&BCR various stns along line 1926-48 |
McConnell, HB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT32 |
McCready, DS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT310 |
McCulla, JW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT66 |
McDonald AB | CNR opr Vancouver 1974sd |
McDonald CW | CNR spare Kamloops 1974sd |
McDonald DB | CNR ACTD Kamloops 1951sd |
McDonald DM | CNR agt Winniepg (1976) 1947sd |
McDonald, JD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT268 |
McDougall, Allan | NAR asst agt/opr Spirit River? 1925 |
McFayden FR | CNR opr Bostom Bar 1969sd |
McFadyen RB | CNR agt-opr Waseca 1956sd |
McFarland NR | CNR opr Terrace 1958sd |
McGillis, JP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT894 |
McHugh, AR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT802 |
McIlroy, CP | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1915sd |
McIlroy, GP | CNR agt 1942sd * ORT1786 |
McInnis RS | CNR spare Kamloops 1974sd |
McIntrye, KH | CNR Pedley 1950s, Edson & Edmonton divs, relief TD 1952 ACD-CD-TM Edmonton 1970-89 |
McKenna, JW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT981 |
McKernan, James | On Oct 5 1960, a cairn was placed on the original site of the Hay Lake Telegraph station. This station was established in 1877 by James McKernan, and was the farthest west station situated on the proposed railway right of way at that time that was to run from the east to Fort Edmonton. The line was extended to Fort Edmonton in 1879. (sent by Barry Hovelson) |
McLarity RG | CNR opr Second Narrows 1969sd |
McLean, FC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT458 |
McLean, SS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1928sd ORT1278 |
McLeod, CA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT529 |
McLeod, Frederick | NAR agt-opr 1921-? |
![]() McLeod, Fred E | NAR agt-opr Smith N.A.Rly (ED & BC Rly), G.T.W. Wainwright, C.P.R. Sebois Maine (my maternal grandfather, JI La Brier) |
![]() McManus, Ken J | CNR agt opr Ft Saskatchewan 1957-95 /r1995 |
McMillan, GD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1915sd |
McMinn DG | CNR TD Edmonton 1951sd |
![]() McNair Mary | CPR opr - Citation: Year: 1916 |
McPhee, WA | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1918sd ORT994 |
McRae, A | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT880 |
Medvid Matt | CNR opr Eckville, work train coordinator 1961sd |
Meloche, DM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT1031 |
Melnychuk W | CNR agt-opr Maidstone, McBride 1952sd |
Mercier, JR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1940sd ORT1561 |
Metherwell, CJ | CNR Islay 1958 |
Meunier, AA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT1191 |
Meunier, Francois E | CNR Forestburg 1947 AB & SK 1947-52, TD Edson 1952, Port Arthur ON, Calgary AB, Edmonton /r85 |
Mickelson, Samuel | NAR CTD |
Michayluk, RD | CNR TD Edmonton 1965sd |
Miles, PE | CNR Edmonton d72 |
Miller, T | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1919sd ORT975 |
Miller, TE | CNR Leyland 1932 |
Milner, EW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1928sd ORT1483 |
Minke EA | CNR opr Vermillion 1953sd |
Miquelon, GN | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT780 |
Moe, MCJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd |
Moore BG | CNR agt Vermilion 1945sd |
Moore, Dinty | CPR agt Bow Island |
Morgan, PJ | ORT local chairman Edmonton 1945 |
Morgan, T | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT564 |
Morrison, CH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1994 |
Morrison, GE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1925sd ORT954 |
Morrison, HV | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT784 |
Morrow, LA | CPR Calgary 1943-5 /retired Red Deer 1985 |
Morton WR | CNR agt/opr Youbou 1941sd |
Motte IM | CNR opr Vancouver (Mtn Rgn) 1944sd |
![]() Munsey, J | CNR Opr, Agt-Opr Calgary, Edson & Edmonton Div's . TD Edson, Kamloops, The Pas, Winnipeg East, Edmonton & Winnipeg West . Promoted Winnipeg 1957 . /r83 Edmonton (fa below) |
Munsey, WF | CNR 1923sd ORT842(fa of above) |
Murphy, GT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1928sd ORT1598 |
Murphy PG | CNR opr Red Pass Jct 1974sd |
Murray, JH | CNR agt 1943sd ORT1873 |
Mychaluk JT | CNR TD Kamloops 1949sd |
Mytruk H | CNR agt Edmonton 1948sd |
Nagy JE | CNR spare Prince George 1970sd |
Makken JA | CNR opr Endako 1974sd |
Neckay Ken | CNR agt/telegrapher - soon to be 80 (Aug 16 2019) - still has his key and tells many stories from those days of being an agent - worked in Repass at or around the time of Canoe River and his first days on the job in Lamont he was the agent working and who got the call about the school bus accident in 1960 |
Nein KA | CNR opr Edson 1970sd |
Nelson, JM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT> |
Newell, RH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT591 |
Nichols, CZ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1915sd ORT225 |
Nicholson, JD | CNR agt 1943sd * ORT1803 |
Nicholson, JL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT874 |
Niddery JR | CNR opr Port Mann 1948sd |
Noden, TR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1346 |
Noon RL | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Noon WO | CNR spare Edmonton 1972sd |
Nordholm EAA | CNR opr Upper Fraser 1967sd |
Norris, LA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd |
Nunweiler AM | CNR opr Smithers 1949sd |
Nunweiler VG | CNR opr Hanna 1951sd |
O'Connor GT | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
O'Connor MF | CNR opr Calder 1954sd |
O'Donnell TB | CNR agt-opr Giscome 1951sd |
O'Farrell ME | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT132 |
O'Hara RL | CNR opr 2nd Narrows 1946sd |
Olorenshaw EJ | CNR agt-opr Edmonton 1951sd |
Olsen JO | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT630 |
Oliver WR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT411 |
Olson JB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1941sd ORT1592 |
Owens WG | CNR agt, rule instr Edmonton 1949sd |
Owens WM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT1024 |
Pape CM | CNR opr Port Mann 1945sd |
Patton, J | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1942sd ORT1726 |
Parfett JG | CNR agt Edmonton 1948sd |
Parker LF | CNR agt-opr Houston 1951sd |
Parker, JW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT1139 |
Parson FE | CNR opr Calder 1946sd |
Patenaude EJ | CNR opr Biggar 1966sd |
Patterson CH | CNR agt/TD (1976) 1949sd |
Patterson, G | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1925sd ORT1669 |
Patterson, RE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT109 |
Pattison M | CNR swing opr Prince George 1952sd |
Pawson DS | CNR agt, Mgr Carload Centre Prince George 1942sd |
Pedlar PR | CNR agt, Hotbox Opr Kamloops 1946sd |
Pehowicz, J | CNR agt, Trans Off Vancouver (Mtn Rgn) 1943sd ORT1850 |
Pelletier PE | CNR agt-opr Matsqui 1972sd |
Pendle, F | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT820 |
Penny FJ | CNR spare Kamloops 1974sd |
Perks, FW | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis Three Hills 1945sd ORT1933 |
Perry LA | CNR agt Edmonton 1947sd |
Peterkin, RM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1046 |
Peters, Tom | CNR Meeting Creek 1957 |
Peters, TA | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis East Edmonton 1943sd ORT1918 |
Peterson SE | CNR agt-opr, Sys HQ Montreal 1951sd |
Phillips, GG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT551 |
Pitre, A | CNR 1941sd * |
Pitts, James | CNR TD Edmonton |
Player, FH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1929sd ORT1428 |
Plum, CH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT689 |
Plysiuk JM | CNR opr Biggar 1973sd |
Pollock, CS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT440 |
Pratt, WF | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1918sd ORT616 |
Price, CW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1552 |
Price, WH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT102 |
Procyk, J | CNR agt, Rgn Rules Superv Alberta Dis Edmonton 1944sd ORT1988 |
Pronovost, Rene | CNR RTC Edmonton 1970s (uncle to Bouvier fam see SK & MB) |
Pullen JW | CNR spare Kamloops 1971sd |
Pylypow FP | CNR TD Edmonton 1954sd |
Rabik M | CNR opr Lloydminster 1952sd |
Raham, AT | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT426 |
Rankin, ? | CPR agt Bow Island |
Rasmussen, LJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd ORT1646 |
Reid, Harold | CNR opr Big Valley 1950s |
Renaud RA | CNR agt-opr Kitimat 1974sd |
Richard, Robert J | agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1865 |
Ridington, J | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT603 |
Rintoul, J | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1943sd ORT1989 |
Riordan, LD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT1280 |
Ritchie, FW | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1923sd ORT1630 |
Robinson, AJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT650 |
Robinson RD | CNR agt-opr Battleford 1974sd |
Robson, RM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd ORT1982 |
Roche DD | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Rogers, ER | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1929sd ORT1112 |
Roland Gus | NAR opr |
Roland GK | CNR spare Prince George 1974sd |
![]() Rosychuk, Peter | NAR opr Westlock |
Rothwell, WJ | CNR Eckville 1943 1941sd ORT1655/d72 |
Rowland, FJ | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1917sd ORT739 |
Rowlands, FW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1929sd ORT1668 |
Roxburgh, WH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT669 |
Roy, AE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1955 |
Roy ML | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Ruhl, J | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1943sd |
Rushton JA | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Rutherford, PT | CNR agt Alberta Dis, ORT local chairman Calgary-Trochu 1945 1914sd ORT36 |
Sadler CL | CNR agt Edmonton 1948sd |
Sage SR | CNR opr Endako 1971sd |
Sanders MW | CNR opr Lloydminster 1974sd |
Sanders WM | CNR agt-opr Endako 1951sd |
Sargeant PAR | CNR agt-opr Clearwater 1951sd |
St.Pierre, JL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT903 |
St.Pierre, LE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1942sd * ORT1676 |
St.Pierre, RC | CNR agt, Labour Relations (Montreal) Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1903 |
Schiele GA | CNR tramp swing opr Calder 1965sd |
Schiele LN | CNR spare Edmonton 1971sd |
Schmalz, FM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT839 |
Schmaltz, PP | CNR agt, car distributor Alberta Dis Edmonton 1942sd ORT1706 |
Schmidt, A | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT695 |
Schmirler AO | CNR opr Biggar 1954sd |
Shamley, Samuel H | CNR agt Lloydminster (Mtn Rgn) 1946sd |
Sharp TA | CNR opr Prince Rupert 1969sd |
Shaw, Hugh John | CNR Opr 1941-81 - last job "MO" Edmonton |
Sherman, FA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1910sd ORT156 |
Sherman KC | CNR spare Edmonton 1973sd |
Sherman, Robert Delmar | CNR op 1970, TD Edmonton (bro below, BC) |
Sherman, Robert Henry | CNR Mountain region 1944, Vegreville 1982 /r82 (bro above, BC) |
Sherman, RH | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis Vegreville 1944sd ORT1981 |
Sherstenko W | CNR TD Edmonton 1950sd |
Shindel, Ed | CPR agt Bow Island |
Shockey, ML | CNR TD Edmonton 1950sd |
Shockey, RC | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Shurma S | CNR TD Prince George 1954sd |
Sibbald, CE | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis Drumheller 1941sd ORT1701 |
Sibbald, VD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT124 |
Sibley JV | CNR opr Edmonton 1950sd |
Sibley, RC | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1923sd ORT867 |
Simmons, AM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT584 |
Simmons, SL | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT807 |
Sinclair, AG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1911sd ORT454 |
Siqienza L | CNR opr Kwinitas 1972sd |
Skinner C | CNR agt-opr Chilliwack 1951sd |
Smith, Clive | NAR messenger |
Smith CA | CNR spare Prince George 1974sd |
Smith CS | CNR opr McBride 1969sd |
Smith, FG | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT683 |
Smith, HS | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1922sd ORT1613 |
Smith, Shawn I | CNR opr Unity, Vermilion, Scotford, Camrose, AB dispr CWR Big Valley - (stn preservation Camrose, Meeting Creek, Donalda, Big Valley) |
Smith WA | CNR agt-opr Smoky Lake 1947sd |
Snider, KW | CNR agt/opr Alberta Dis Hinton 1941sd ORT1634 |
Snider, TB | CNR towerman Alberta Dist 1935sd ORT968 |
Soneff A | CNR agt-opr Wabamun 1950sd |
Soneff, AP | CNR agt 1943sd * |
Sowden, CE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1908sd ORT293 |
![]() Spachynski, Paul | CPR opr 1947-85 . worked primarily Alberta North Div . stns include: Willingdon, Lacombe, Wetaskiwin, Coronation, Nisku and others . last stn South Edmonton /r 1985 |
Stark EE | CNR TD Kamloops 1951sd |
Steiger CJ | CNR opr Kamloops 1969sd |
Stephens, TM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd ORT46 |
Stephen, WT | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1922sd ORT1488 |
![]() Stevenson, JL (Jim) | NAR opr 1939-81 Edmonton /d1995 (was avid HAM opr call VE6IM) |
Stewart AT | CNR agt/opr Lytton 1944sd |
Stewart DA | CNR opr Kamloops Jct 1964sd |
Stewart R | CNR opr Wainwright 1949sd |
Storey, CW | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1915sd ORT270 |
Strachan, RJ | CNR TD Roma Jct 1950 |
Strang, AP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1924sd ORT843 |
Stone FP | CNR agt-opr Alsask 1951sd |
Stone WP | CNR opr Biggar 1972sd |
Strong, GE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1913sd |
Syurgis, WF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1907sd ORT91 |
Surman PR | CNR opr Winniandy 1947sd |
Sutherland, Johnny | NAR opr |
Sutherland, TP | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1937sd ORT1476 |
Swanson, CJ | NAR CNR TD Peace River 1980 |
Swift, Holden | NAR relf agt 1925 Spirt River? |
Swift, Jack | NAR asst agt Grand Prairie 1928 |
Szuszkiewicz BJ | CNR opr Edmonton 1972sd |
Tailleur AL | CNR spare Kamloops 1974sd |
Targett, EH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1921sd ORT776 |
Tario, AR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd |
Taylor ED | CNR agt-opr Vanderhoof 1947sd |
Taylor KW | CNR spare Prince George 1972sd |
Taylor, William A | CPR agt Bow Island |
Tchir WW | CNR opr Wainwright 1957sd |
Tebo, LE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd ORT746 |
Tebo, LH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1987 |
Thayer, HS | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1392 |
Theberge FA | CNR opr Stettler 1950sd |
Thomas NA | CNR opr Boston Bar 1947sd |
Thompson, CM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd |
Thompson, FJ | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd * ORT1846 |
Thompson, George | NAR CTD |
Thompson, J | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1925sd ORT850 |
Thompson LG | CNR TD Prince George 1941sd |
Thomson TG | CNR agt Kamloops 1948sd |
Thornton, NM | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1912 |
Tiegs, Dean A | CNR Opr Vermilion, Waterways, McLennan, Calder (999 desk), Jasper, Harvey BC, Grande Prairie . CWR opr Big Valley, Meeting Creek, relief dispr Big Valley (Dean was also the co-founder of the Canadian Northern Society preserving stations at Big Valley Camrose Donalda & Meeting Creek AB) |
Tilley, HL | CNR TD Calgary division, Jasper, Port Arthur, Prince Albert, Calgary (15 yrs), Edmonton (15 yrs) 1941sd * ORT1674 |
Tilley, Sid | CNR agt Oyden for yrs), 1940 (fa of above) |
Tilley, SR | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT728 |
Timm, Maxwell E | CNR Drumheller, Supvr Trans Procedures Edmonton sd1952 |
Tipple, SE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1925sd ORT864 |
Tobey, ER | CNR agt Alberta Dist 1920sd ORT1242 |
Tolmie, JB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1916sd ORT316 |
Torrey, Charles | NAR agt Beaverlodge 1927 |
Trainor MW | CNR opr Boston Bar 1974sd |
Trann CB | CNR agt Vancouver 1939sd |
Trask, Raymond G | CPR Calgary, Drumheller, Banff, Lake Lousie, Red Deer 1948-50 / CNR Prince George 1951 |
Turner, William (Bil) | NAR Sexsmith 1932, TD 1942, CTD r/59 |
![]() ![]() Tustian, Samuel Bradford (Brad) | CPR agt in many Southern Alberta stns:Cowley, Pincher Creek, Picture Butte, Gleichen, Manyberries, Foremost /d60 |
Tustin, T | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1912sd ORT208 |
Ullman, EE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT678 |
Urich DL | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Van Dyke, AH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1922sd ORT607 |
Vanhoof PF | CNR TD Roma Jct 1969sd |
Viney, Bert | NAR agt Waterways |
Vosper, KF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT1959 |
Wade LJ | CNR spare Edmonton 1972sd |
![]() Waite Gordon | NAR (Comm) Peace River 1933 Smith 1941 . Gordon died 26 June 2003 at age 88 yrs (born Dec 24, 1914) - he was a wonderful man who shared many terrific morse audio learning tapes with me (RGB), filled with excellent morse & materials - he will be missed by all |
Walker CH | CNR agt Chilliwack 1940sd |
Ward, Cliff | NAR opr 1941 |
Warner HC | CNR TD Kamloops 1947sd |
Wasylyk M | CNR agt, Co-Ord Service Design Edmonton 1945sd |
Waters, CO | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1917sd ORT1571 |
Watine, MacCarville | NAR 1934 |
Watson, HA | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1929sd ORT1061 |
Weatherly DE | CNR agt/opr Boston Bar 1943sd |
Webb HE | CNR agt Edmonton 1947sd |
Webster CW | CNR TD Kamloops 1951sd |
Wedgewood JM | CNR spare Edmonton 1974sd |
Wedgewood RA | CNR spare Edmonton 1973sd |
Weekes, RE | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT904 |
Weir BC | CNR spare Kamloops 1972sd |
Weir, Blaine E | CNR RTC Edmonton . first hired out in The Pas yard office 1969 as summer student . 1971 worked var stns as opr &d TD bet'n Thunder Bay & Vancouver (son of Leslie Wir below) |
![]() Weir, Leslie R | CPR asst agt Lethbridge Divn 1948 .CPR Calgary Divn opr 1951 . CNR Calgary Divn opr 1952 . CNR TD 1953 Calgary, Smithers, Saskatoon, The Pas, Port Arthur, Winnipeg . CNR CTD The Pas 1969 . CNR Trainmaster 1972 Maniotoba Dis . CNR Asst Supt. 1976 Saskatoon . CNR Opns Control Officer Winnipeg 1977 . CNR Labour Relations Officer Montreal 1979 . CNR Supt Transportation Winnipeg 1980 . CNR Asst. General Supt. Winnipeg 1983 . Retired CNR 1986 . Transportation Safety Board of Canada Chief of Rail Accident Investigations 1988-93 & edited their magazine "Rail Safety Reflexions" for seven years after retired (son above, Blaine Weir) |
Wells, HD | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1928sd ORT1407 |
West CH | CNR agt, Car Controller Kamloops Jct 1944sd |
West, FB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1924sd ORT905 |
West, HV | CPR? 1915, Regina, to CNR Winnipeg? |
Whelpley, W | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1918sd ORT207 |
Whiteman, Cathy | . started her career in Edmonton on June 3, 1984 & wrote up in Edmonton January 1987 . promoted to Asst Chief 1992 . now working in Service Design, but still holds her seniority as Opr & Dispatcher |
Widdifield, LR | CNR opr 1948 |
Williams, ET | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT691 |
Williams, Marion E | CPR Drumheller / CNT 'D' office, Jasper / DGT Burns Lake BC |
Williams, RFH | CNR agt 1942sd * |
Wilson, EM | CNR agt Alberta Dis sd ORT1103 |
Wilson, P | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT978 |
Wilson, WG | CPR Crossfield 1953, various stns AB Dis ? to 1958 |
Wolfe, MAH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1920sd |
Woodcock, LB | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1927sd ORT1222 |
Wray TD | CNR agt Hanna 1945sd |
Wright CC | CNR opr McBride 1956sd |
Wright, FH | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1926sd ORT1283 |
Wright, SF | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1944sd ORT2000 |
Wuetherick, E | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1919sd ORT563 |
Yagilashek, E | CNR 1950sd |
Yawarowski H | CNR opr Sarcee 1962sd |
Youell, AV | CNR agt Alberta Dis 1914sd ORT333 |
Young KG | CNR agt-opr Smiley 1973sd |
Young LD | CNR agt-opr Red Pass Jct 1956sd |
Zaplitny W | CNR TD Edmonton 1951sd |
Zavaduk VM | CNR opr Smithers 1951sd |
Zavaduk W | CNR opr Vermillion 1955sd |
Zayac W | CNR opr Vancouver 1954sd |