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Announced 01 December 1909
Along the main railway line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, one of the most destructive winter storms occurred. In the vicinity of Ottawa on 22 November, a severe sleet and wind storm tore down miles of telegraph poles and wires. Two days later a fifty-mile-an-hour gale came along and destroyed another stretch of poles and wires for several miles leaving no poles standing in their place. Over 2,250 telegraph poles were totaly destroyed, snapped in two, or broken so that they would never be reused. In some instances, the poles carried 20 or more wires for telegraph and some telephone circuits. The task of rebuilding 100 miles of line has begun but is extremely difficult, however, communication between the various points has now been entirely restored in the last nine days. Because of the nature of the telegraph circuit system, commercial and newspaper messages have been redirected from Montreal and Toronto through Utica and Buffalo, New York. [Evidence that the telegraph wire system is like today's Internet!]