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CANADIAN RAILWAY TELEGRAPH HISTORY-Canadian Telegraphic Historical Newspaper Accounts

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Article Eighty-Two
Announced 01 August 1909
Telegraph Tolls

	The Canadian Board of Railway Commissioners has extended the time within
	which the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the Great North Western Telegraph
	Company, and the Canadian Northern Telegraph Company may be allowed to charge
	tolls as authorized by law, and has therefore extended the time to the same
	date for approval of the Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraph Company's tolls.

	An interesting headline on the same reads:

	Mr H P Dwight, President of the Great North Western Telegraph Company, 
	headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, celebrated his eighty-second birthday
	on 23 December of last year. He is well-preserved and his many friends
	wish him many returns.  Mr Dwight's career has been an extremely busy
	and useful one, and his interest in human progress remains undiminished.

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