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The All-Canadian Government Telegraph Company circuit stretching from Vancouver to Dawson in the Yukon, was completed yesterday, September 24, 1901! The first dispatch transmitted was a message of utmost congratulations from Governor Ross, who was in Vancouver at this time. The line circuit is 2,200 miles in length and part of the route was that adopted for the Collins Overland Telegraph Route in 1865. As a result of this telegraph circuit, it has become necessary to change the cable and telegraph rates charged. Heretofore, the rates were $4.00 for a minimum of ten words. The future rate is to be 40 cents per word. The rate charged to the press, heretofore was $3.00 for 100 words, has been revised to $1.00 per 100 words. It is expected that business between and along this circuit will increase tenfold as a result of this generous rate change. On another important note, the Canadian Pacific Railway's All-Red Route is expected to be offically operational early next year.