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CANADIAN RAILWAY TELEGRAPH HISTORY-Canadian Telegraphic Historical Newspaper Accounts


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Article Twenty-Eight
"Canadian Pacific's Copper Wire"
Announced 12 October 1898

After four months of labour and the expenditure of $250,000,
the famous copper wire has been strung from the Atlantic to
the Pacific and is now in working order.  The work of erecting
the wire was begun the first of last May, and has been pushed
ahead steadily ever since.  The completion of this wire enables
the company to work a direct circuit to Vancouver, and in
consequence a quick service is maintained with all Pacific
and Kootenay points.  At present we are working the circuit
duplex, with repeaters at Fort William and Swift Current.  The
wire is manned at this end by Messrs. James Collie and John H 
Lawson, two first-class operators.  The wire is in fine order and
works like a bell.

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