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CANADIAN RAILWAY TELEGRAPH HISTORY-Canadian Telegraphic Historical Newspaper Accounts


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Article Twenty
"Telegraph's Salary Improved"
Announced 01 February 1898

	Mr H V Powell, chief elected officer of the Order of Railway Telegraphers,
	has announced that the dispute with regards to the salaries of the men who
	operate the telegraph circuits for the Canadian Pacific Railway and 
	Telegraph Company [sic] has been satisfactorily arranged.  Also in attendance
	at the conference held 12 Janaury in Montreal were Messrs. T G Shaughnessy,
	Vice-President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Thos, Tait, and Managers
	of the circuits in the Maritimes.

	The points in dispute were carried from the Superintendent up to the highest
	authority and now that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily, the
	telegraphers and operating agents will resume their negotiations with the
	Superintendents with regard to the other points remaining until the more
	vital question of the minimum wage can be settled.

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