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Article Nineteen
"Further Telegraphic Extensions North"
Announced 01 January 1898

	A new extension of the Western Union Telegraph Company will likely be
	constructed between Seattle, Washington and Port Orchard.  This extension
	will be made using underwater cable.  Connections are planned for Port
	Townsend, Port Ludlow, Port Hadlock.  From Port Townsend, it is expected
	that a circuit will be extended to Port Angeles, but no further down the
	Straits at this instant.

	Another circuit being contemplated is an extension north from Anacortes
	to Vancouver, British Columbia.  Land lines and cable will be used to
	connect with Victoria.  Interestingly, the Western Union Telegraph once
	operated into Victoria, but the business was limited and the circuit was
	turned over to the Dominion Government of Canada [sic].  The Dominion
	Government then turned that circuit over to the Canadian Pacific 
	Telegraph Company.  This line was built north to a point 1,000 miles above
	the head of navigation on the Fraser River.  The circuit to the Fraser River,
	opposite Sitka, was operated for approximately six years under the
	supervision of the Western Union Telegraph.

	      Superintendent Frank Jaynes of the San Francisco Western Union office is
	      traveling north up the Pacific Coast as soon as the weather is favorable
	      to investigate the above and further telegraphic extensions through and
	      into Canada.

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