Below are SUBDIVISION NOTES and LINKS for the CPR Zone Maps Galt Sub Toronto Area. All maps are authentic Canandian Pacific Railway track schematic maps dating between 1962 and 1971. The Galt Subdivision herein does not reveal the current track schemes.These schematic maps are 'aged' so reproduction here has been a challenge.
Omitted maps (because not directly related to the Galt Sub) are: L&B Yard, Fez City, Queens Wharf (L Yard), George & Cherry Streets (E Yards), King Street Shed & area (F Yard), South Mimico & Yard area (M Yard), Industrial areas off the MacTier Sub. East & Channel Lead, Keating Yard & Basin & Dock Lead.
The Zone Maps are more historical now than ever as most of these track schematics have been heavily changed or do not even exist today. Several maps have purposely left out details.
(click on link below or scroll down / use BACK button)
[ Yard Industrial Designations | Parkdale Industrial Area | Obico Multi-Modal Terminal ]
[ Lambton Industrial Areas (1966) | See also Canpa Sub Detour Maps ]
[ Canadian National Railways Zone Maps ]
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