Southwestern Railroad - Shattuck Branch |
(Scroll down to see photos.)
Southwestern Railroad's Shattuck branch is based in the small town of Perryton,
located in the northeast corner of the Texas panhandle. This branch of the Southwestern
is operated separately from the copper-hauling shortline of the same name based in Hurley, New Mexico.
The Shattuck Branch diverges from the BNSF Panhandle Subdivision a few miles east of the
Texas-Oklahoma border at Shattuck, OK, heading northwest through Darrouzett and Perryton to
the line's western terminus at Spearman. Santa Fe sold this line, its former Shattuck
Subdivision, to the Southwestern in 1990. Principal traffic on the Shattuck branch is grain.
In August 2000, when I passed through the area, Southwestern's locomotive roster on the
Shattuck Branch consisted of just two locomotives: an ex-ATSF GP7 and an ex-Southern
Pacific GP35.
Please click on any of the following pictures to see a larger image:
Southwestern Railroad - Hurley, NM
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All images on this website © 2000 - 2006 by Wes Carr.
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